Team Arnold Lifetime Member T Shirt

Will see one will help the weak from the booking on for him to take the weight than if you could see the man on the goand read the thing that you know the brand go about phone no no no will be in the know the old home a Team Arnold Lifetime Member T Shirt lotand I will know you all the oldestand I will all in the house all the you willand will be sent in all the the thing that some of the plank I thought I would only know 3333and the three leading the at theand the colorand all the willand we went inand willand you know you knowand will only be a willand moreand moreand he was all in aand heand a the movie that is really a way no Iand youand was the same as the same model failed for in a dayand in the policyand making the will whole a in the game designand Iand in no need toand that will no realand will call me to see the in the cityand Iand his motherand ranand they will same mode is that it in an let me keep my a thing as we may things like mama as I was was with when I mailed the know when is the only know is the misery of propertyand frameand will be a McDonald’sand will we could drinkand no more because the disease was still visible light will go up at the gap will go does not beat. To get excited about or is it just were thrown a lot of stuff against the walland we hope that fans remember Hansel leaving posters delicateand hotand looks like major sites that I shop to have been very good looking in which the most part some unique tools that were giving a lot with Photoshop now that his last suingand putting stuff inand do the job international trailerand put together separately from the board such as the way marketing can know when you’re so close to moving waiting for so long a little bit of controversial history with marketing campaign can be the greatest thing for helping a company management new day we know each other for a while I think I know how you operate pretty well I know nothing gets you out of bed in the morning like hearing that there’s a new trailerand a new poster international version for Star Wars you know me live think about all the time the last time that they just controversial opinion just like half Star Wars be happy for the people who love it is not really excited because they get really nothing for me as anything for you yet for the front for the Hustler D did you honestly think that he could I’m worried about this to promote from a mass audience standpoint is that just having a new Star Wars movie with any plot six months after the last general controversy followed that might be a little too soon the tone of this particular one that the trailers looks a little bit more intriguing to me than the typical Star Wars franchise sound like this one seems like it’s been a be a bit more fine which will take the he lied to the hospitaland for the family we always appreciate honestyand opinions here in the J on the questions you have a pickleand was integral by the international trailerand poster extended verse on my pickle was not tickledand was told that he made us have you made is at here is are they doing it I grew up with bells in the FISA my to say hey I think this picture of a green screen with Photoshop stuff togetherand put the other international trailers the one thing I’ve loved with like him a lot of marble trailers with internationallyand even some of the DC once there’s extra but if you haven’t seen yet so that you catch least rakes hereand there is nothing new about this is just a unified is the trailer for overseas is impulsive for overseas itand again going what you said see it six months at the last Jetta this may not be the greatest idea they’ve had is a great it was slated to do what was going to already however when you saw the reaction the last Jetta the mixed reviews that the petitions this then that their dissidents are always on bank now on a console origin storyand people built into the A1c’s or anyone see the millennium where it came from the Mercy Donald glove is a young lentil cattle raising which I want that for if you were the first to life like a moderately thousand of that fire black daycare volatility like Frank Lucas at a price by way just plywood wobbly but I think it it’s it’s going to be hard to tell because there’s so many mixed emotions air from lastand what they think about Alaska is the internationally did not do as well the whole great marketing campaign early if a marketing campaign effort this is bringing to the table in my pay because you see a lot of classic things the unit everybody knows that you back in the lolly console upand sing the millennium falcon in a huge presence on poster it is not a great move I think it’s a least a smart move in is the best hand they had to play me how we know that our movie don’t do as well I don’t really feel it could possibly be going for now when we actually get new signage for the hearing considering the marketing campaign starting celebrate maybe the last official hard sell in the rocks before comes out anyway there’s no person probably is not as mentally getting a trailer for the most expect overall actually putting will likely did disease operating in a world now where they’re releasing a story is it six months after the last guy but you don’t have to wait for avengers infinity works to drop May 4 if you don’t want to to release your new trailerand presumably your last you could drop that the middle of April anywhere it can be attached to infinity works to drop an online try to get some people buzzing about a couple new scenes you have if you cut up TV spots that lead us into Mayand then we’ll see how the movie plays out I never wanted on so that he is never on my wish list the Santa Claus over getting one from what I’ve seen of it so far on the common trait I like the storylines are going with I like the element of itself has some classic nostalgia flares we talked about the show yesterday but don’t overdo it don’t give us another scene with Darth Vader just give us a couple little snippets of things we love maybe had a quick run with bovis thatand to be happy of course having said that I am Star Wars fanand you prematurely thing make me happy yet on solo in Shealy go to sonic for two hoursand I’m gonna enjoy that is a mobile Motorola maybe on the rollerskates to looks like you grab your rollerskates will work remind you guys there was a severe live for the questions at the end of the showsand start doing this right now collider videoand use the hashtag collider movie. 50 movie so your honest opinion movie was good it was good it was an amazingand it wasn’t bad I would say I want can it was 707 Wu Tang Clan definitely needs a movie Mike Powell Carlos Corey shattered a few niche occur for giving us Tupac I should deftly not have a biotic that I should write a book on my life will be interesting for myself is to document the do a lot to think about a white boy going to the hood very very different like Dominique Jones I didn’t cheat on my writing needs snacks at the movie theater but I did eat chicken wings today after the movie series is hello Jasper just a little psychology likely to Jasper says what up guys Jasper says what up they would just say what up okay Google is a balsamic Jasper said to his corner is any food appears of you wondering right Jasper right you will see what up boy Jasper say what they decided to follow wasn’t about the JT did you cry what type of most is the movie if you I hear at one point when he got convicted to jail that that was to how does that need this even pop up you know soon Wolverine Logan movie juices playing now I had to check that out Callie West Chapel needs movie got your crazy the movie was pretty fire I agree with youand you’re looking at a good seven good seven is is the park movie better than an DUI now it’s notand AVI movie was almost perfect I was a good movie good feeling in a movie man would you like to see NTI movie now I’m good on the TM C a TM I like seeing outcasts biotic on television I’ll be cool 50 movie was goodand other that Jack Russell a big pond movie he lived enough life movie I don’t know Jay Z movie will be snoop need a movie to snoop definitely does the movie Dr Dre needs a movie I’d say like from the point where NWA he breaks off from thatand has listings of death row then does his record label aftermath I’ll be crazy know guys will meand I’m rectally on give you another review tomorrow he watched it today so we will getting more into this tomorrow so make sure you tune in tomorrow appreciate you guys appreciate everythingand I I RBS have a great I have a safe nightand I will see that’s tomorrow to drop more videos tomorrow appreciate you guys have a great night checking my Is the last day of June is June 30 2016 may now I believe we are 14 days after Tupac’s for a dayand this is important because I want people to see what I’ve discovered in which you see in will you already know based on what you anything about both sides of the field he talks about the goodand bad he felt as though rappers should not talk about one subject cannot talk about the other side of the subject is a site if you play football you got to play both sides of the game the defenseand offense in order to understand the game that whereas if you talk about violence in your lyrics you got to talk about the consequences of violence if you talk about pain he also got to talk about success you talk about both sides that swell back was about solicitationand is or rule a okay here I have the book arguing when every time he said Halloweenand all you may the time but this book was published in 1995and this is the exact book that you can’t read back in 95 when he made he was in jail anyway this but I want to read something from this book when it comes to music in his words get this knowledge lies like treasure to be gleaned if only the solos will listen live shows here to tell us what she is interested I am not speaking here something mystical I am merely giving for faithand credit as a word to the vast storehouse of knowledge with which we will broadenand have gathered in a lifetime as we proceed through life our reservoir of knowledge she is gradually steadily imperceptibly words words are chosen usually unconsciouslyand how they come together to syntax the time the inflection with which the other flavor the words carries more information about what is being saidand who is saying it then words themselves when I was a small boy my mother used to say to me you can tell a person is the minute he opens his mouth basically do this one paragraph this actually decodes how to prod is conveying himself to his listeners when he speaks people actually see the truthand actually have associate satisfied when he speaks to people to reach people to his music because people I have a sow’s ear listening to the soul of his musicand here are a crazy right here says to see the meaningand music we listen we can also see the music that carries the words of the those who speak to us everyone plays a certain music with their personal musical instrument the vocal cords do they play aliveand happy sounds more sadand depressed once interesting do they sound as if their throats are closing on the world words to hold them back is therefore strongand affirmative or we can tentative do we share music or the sound of the daily money monotonous machine do we hear sounds of angerand aggression of sorrow do the sounds match the words sounds from the boys are like right that is shown through a filter the light takes on the color of the subjectand the sounds of the person take on the substanceand mood of the person who authors them sometimes when I am listening to the final argument of my opponent I lay my head back close my eyesand let the words just byand focus only on the sounds sounds always carry the argument better than the words the sounds betrayed you see the sense of caring that angered the range of truth the power that can change the jury the sounds of the words no matter how powerful the words may be does not move me were not the Jerry sounds carried the meeting is only when the sounds penetrate prodand awaken that I take a note for rebuttal basically what this right here is saying is that going to five spoke in his lyrics is that she had to make his music so believable so argumentative that it would reach the listener is solely a release the listener not only that but also have to convince himself that his music had to reach him before I can reach anybody else that stresses no matter how powerful the words may be if he does not move me you were not the jury the jury is us the people people the Tupac paints us that men have love Tupac will listen to his music were the juryand he received presenting his case every song that you get to five refers to a book he read that that that is contrary to what she speaks so again if you need to reach us if he cannot reach himself if he feels sad as music or Shakeel have no emotional attachment to his music than it would be emotionally attached arrestand this is what made him so great this is just just start this is one paragraph that I made to youand the other paragraphand all this is how one argument out on before I continue and also show you something that I found interesting this is a book called before you buy the power as you can see us messed up because I’ve had a lot of long time came out in 19 eight the first day she came in 1988 it was republished at stake in 2001 or the year 2000 is for you also mirrors Machiavellianand how Tupac actually emulated some of the things that’s in this book is read some things that I believe that this is a theory that part of me of you some of the things that’s in the cave lost 16 for instance use since to increase respectand honor too much circulation makes the price go down the more you are seenand heard from the more common you are

Source: Team Arnold Lifetime Member T Shirt

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My time is his own work together on planes ate in cars five or whatever they did all these I guess those are the ones that they were like us is make the family wears incredible’s to buy the kids that I give it to Pixar for waiting for Brad Bird to be available they can abilityand I know you’re busy making all these other movies really want to make an incredible’s two were to just make a right we own it will make it without you they could’ve done but they didn’t need they would like let’s make sure that you’re there for the entire process you’re writing it with us your there through the entire process directing itand everythingand the characters they donate so for us we have to wait however many years but for new kids you’ve never seen incredible like 10 years from now you have to incredible that they could just watch back to backand never know the pain of how long we had to wait but a that’s the magic of animation is that those knowand I can summons them referred on his new kids in a new shipment against them Boxing Day after Chris attorneys mediated effect is kids I work in advancing incredible’s yet onboard I will do for us for this installment of collateral. Comand got one in there todayand is not a movie that you have to payment model many the learning knowledge about the very human experienceand I will dissuade them from considering my teamand direct embraced ours millionaire because everyone in question cheers great question because it’s your you’re wondering if Lucasfilm is considering the background of the director not necessarily where they’re from but the kind of sensibilities that they had when making moviesand that of too much Connolly is a bad thing I will say the name the director that we just got more news about last week making worst hours movies is someone known to be a very serious director with Ryan Johnson with movies like Looperand break in some Breaking Bad episodes thrown in there but Christian I don’t think that Lauren Miller should be the the harbingers of all doom for any director to come from a comedic background who wants to do a Star Wars movie personally elegant Russo brothers before you make that was her brothers were commie directorsand television with a dumb Civil Warand think you also can’t take away from Lorna Miller because he is the difference in timeout Lauren Miller doing a Star Wars movie it’s that what all accounts they were not the right directors to do a Han Solo movie there are lots of properties inside the Star Wars universe that might call for comedy consoleand I should talk about this today purple but if you know what carpool to Tom Arnold moving notes with Christian love him if his on life but it’s but I talked about the fact that that he this is just too much for the fact that you have the most wonderful of charactersand stars history most beloved actorsand services during Harrison Ford right away you have this kid was coming in to replace by throwing comedyand shipping a new tone onto this kidand unto us as an audience it was a very risky move to try to doand it’s not the move that they wanted to stop the move that that Lucasfilm one narrow landing to get in now for the art is all you know you’re getting the Lord Millie not necessarily because you consider single you know you’re getting with Russo’s but they turn in a product that everybody was happy with the rent after the product now sparse type does if they all come to agreement on this is the tone I want to go with this is the movie I want to do in the standalone movie with this character is comedic because what Tyco did very well in Thor was that there are scenes that weren’t supposed to be funny that weren’t funny there is the scenes in Thor Ragnar rock that were sci fi fantasyand molecular Stephen Emily appellate Lord of the rings it was when he infused it all together the perfect products I absolutely think you’d be good for Star Wars movie but it’s gotta be the right movie it can’t be a movielike console in your Ryan Johnson example as you bring Ryan Johnson on to something like to introduce the Old Republic you want to something serious in those toes he set that up looks at last I sold that that’s my take is that I was it is like it’s like a relationshipand there is the question to ask in a first status pushes you into the third date what my experience working with Lauren Miller from Lucasfilm would caution me to eat in this is on the RS equity on the very first meeting is how much improvisation was on Thor Ragnar I can how much would you want to do a Star Wars movie because I agree with Christian Lucasfilm didn’t know what they’re getting with Lauren Miller in terms of people wanted to go off bookand go off script so much because they had a script that they wanted to shoot with Lawrence Kasdan so as long as what Sadie would be hey this is what we wrote this is what we want to doand we can’t really go too far off the page hereand work with you making move yet think anyone you hire Tyco your hiring Tycoand I feel like that’s you know Kevin fight he’s been really smart about getting different tour directors like James Gunn giving them a franchising evening giving them enough of the freedom to flexand make the film they want to make when it still within the framework of the marble cinematic universe which as we see now at the Ragnar quite expansive I mean I love the Ragnar come in to see the third time this week is fantastic take up to be directing the salacious crumb trilogy I’ll send you the other in a very secret plot outline anywayand I do my job gangster movie you it seems salacious crumb getting his own a gig in there although in my job at a height trying to vetting salacious crumband Joe Pesci where he doesn’t getting getting wet will go from the from Martin Scorsese directing her gear mood El Toro directing Jabba the Hutt to Tyco T those films are all gonna be totally different right out all the remember though also is that tyke is also not a stranger to dramas welcoming the hunt for what the ruler people actually had humor in it is no doubt about it but is also the drama is what he’s he’s good at that Michelle that he mixes it upand I think that right now Lori Miller hasn’t shown having shown mixed yet doesn’t mean that I love those guys I would be up for them doing depending on how it was your buddy communist I was a bit of characters we don’t know yet if you can set up to where it worksand it still taken it’s a tricky switchand I think he is better suited for Star Wars then they are a part of me said he’s better suited to that in similar Miller wanted to do I ask you your body work I can support you compare the bodywork of of them as opposed to camp his movies have had an element like you look at Thor with the with the fantasy’s IPO was able to do you look at hunt for the older people with the with the that the twister will be doing a chat is very liable to be a lot harder to sell me if I hadn’t seen the rag because you you set awry like there are moments of pure light ripped out of the Frankfurt set up a like some of the most amazing images of anything at ever seen in the marble cinematic universe comes from the Ragnar a there’s a few scenes in the first like a movie that actually very emotional hang on a side of marble November 8 oh Lord Miller doing that they so FYI what I would argue that for all the great hair the Princess Leia has salacious crumb has some of the best air the entire Sowers galaxy Christian is there a stars character currently in existence the you think Tyco IT would just be perfect for directing their feature film yesand it’s it’s a it’s an offshoot because is not necessary that much humor in it but it’s it’s had been had been as a character that I think that in that side of that world bounty huntersand inside certain character that he could bring the life I think that watching him do a movie centered around had been to bring in new bounty hunters with youand others have a scoundrel type characters he would do very welland that is a lot of things he could do I love to see nowand she said that it that sparked me that when I have them like the whole thing with all the bounty huntersand like your Elisha Bosket character economyand that’s that could work they had been telling a rival high school quarterback to love is one of the artist to Florida needs needs to come back in his feature filmand so good evil campaign with Simon and live twitter questionsand we call it a day on one of the greatest movie talks about singersand aligning in countries where I could make the payments are very partisan you are hereby yes they are all his faultand his doing over many years of salacious behavior I don’t know that you’re gonna be able to diagnose the guy for 2 1 2 million dollars I don’t think that’s how the world works unfortunately in a perfect world this is monopoly money yes then if you paid a crime or you do the crimeand you should at the pay off whatever you owe to people around you I think it be nice on Devon’s but he said he wanted to get it change the ways in living his life for the last 30 yearsand do something good for humanityand I have a great service I mean is it just that you can’t right now is saving these privileges as allegations of another’s been tons of allegations throughout his entire careerand enough to where there like union note no were good I do it just you can’tand plus of ecological cases come from years upon years when years ago so then it could be thrown back onto demo you knew about this when you brought a month so it it’s too tricky is to trick needed to do it just value Ashley hit on the head before when it is a matter of this is free publicity in a paint with 2 whatever the accident the pain 2
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