The Best Kind Of Mom Raises Barista Floral Barista Mother Gift T Shirt

Forme and I’ve only had to use it fivetimes in the last five years and andsince we came up with that rule and thecool thing about that is it’s given mepermission to let go of tens ofthousands of items just in case itemsbecause I know I’m not actually gonnahave to replace them and the five timesI’ve had to use itthat means I’ve spent what a The Best Kind Of Mom Raises Barista Floral Barista Mother Gift T Shirt hundredbucks in five years it’s not like you’regoing out replacing all these just incase items every single day no youbarely ever have to use that and therules worked 100 of the time for me myguess is it probably works 99 of thetime I’m sure there’s an exception thatproves the rule one last rule oractually it’s a theory I call it the theten ten material possessions theory itcomes from a book called spent and theway that works is you take a piece ofpaper on the front of that piece ofpaper you look at the last decade andyou look at your 10 most expensivepurchases over the last decade and youflip the piece of paper over and youwrite down the 10 most meaningfulexperiences over. Time with them one day well Ineeded to say instead of saying one dayI needed to say today is day one rightflip that around and say now as when Ineed to prioritize those relationshipsand minimalism allowed me to do that andstart focusing on what was important tome the relationships that were importantto me also what other benefits might youexperience by letting go how else mightyour life be better with less well forsome people it’s like I really want tofocus on I’ve always wanted to startyoga or I wanted to to focus on thispassion project how I’ve always want towrite a novel or write this book orstart a blog or I’ve wanted to travel mywhole life these are all great benefitsif that’s really what you want to do andthere’s something in the way perhapsminimalism is a really good first steptoward pursuing that value in your lifeit’s going to help you identify whatyour valueare in fact Ryan and I wrote about thesefive values that we uncovered in ourfirst book called minimalism live ameaningful life we once we got theexcess. Clothes because they’reenvironmentally and socially consciousand I use everlean for all of my casualand work clothes because they’re knownfor Fairtrade and ethical practices somaybe your standards of your brands arethat they’re quick and easy to access orthat they look cool or that they haveorganic products whatever your standardsare but the idea is that you kind ofpick your go to and you set yourstandards and you stick to them so justyesterday I could have spent timebilling from Michael’s to Hobby Lobby tojo ann fabrics because I was looking forgift wrap and I thought oh maybe thesedifferent stores have different types ofwrap I should check them all out but Ijust remember just take a brand and Iuse Target whenever I have miscellaneousthings like toiletries or stationery orthings like that and so I just went toTarget and I got that done within youknow ten minutes so picking a brand canhelp you reduce your decision fatigueand it reduces the amount of time thatyou’re shopping in brausen and makesmore time for the

Source: The Best Kind Of Mom Raises Barista Floral Barista Mother Gift T Shirt

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Figure out wherethe best things to keep that I might noteat right this moment but that I mightneed in six months or four months orwhenever it is I do decide to move outon my own so just looking to see maybeif you could give me some advice on whatmight be good to keep for that first offthanks thank you for itgratulations on on getting workingtoward getting out of that I know it’sit’s so overpowering you know I had sixfigures worth of debt half a The Best Kind Of Mom Raises Barista Floral Barista Mother Gift T Shirt millionfigures worth of debt half a milliondollars if you count my mortgage and Ijust felt like trapped I felt stuck andso congratulations for working towardthat it took me a long time and a lot ofjust really scraping by but I can tellyou what I would do if I was in yoursituation I can’t tell you what to dobut I can certainly tell you what Iwould do with all of that stuff I wouldlook at it and let’s say what items if Ididn’t have any of these items which ofthese individual items would Irepurchase and go shopping amongst yourown stuff and keep only the things thatyou would. Drink that’s when it seemed likeoh they’re having a good. Takea shot here there but I will tell youwhen the picture is ruining the moment Iwill not pick up the phone and I wish Icould say I was like like I was obsessedshow and they opened up with noise andI’m like trying to get a recording of ituh huh and I couldn’t get a recordingand I’m like what are you doing dudeyou’re like totally ruining this mowerright now yeah like stuck it back in mypocket and didn’t get the recording butuh but yeah I’d we definitely do avoidyou know taking a slew of pictures thatare just gonna sit somewhere in thecloud the magical cloud yeah but I’lltell you what we do to get the best outof each city we visit because we likeespecially in 2014 we went to 100different cities we will first off lookfor some really good coffee so we go wayout of our way to find a good coffeeshop and unfortunately there are somecities that lake don’t have good coffeeshops here’s the cool thing so I’ve saidthat before on a podcast we were inRegina Saskatchewan Canada we find goodcoffee there we did not yeah and I Isaid something
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