Better Worry About Your Own Sins Because God Ain't Gonna Ask You About Mine T-Shirt

They get you into the Better Worry About Your Own Sins Because God Ain't Gonna Ask You About Mine T-Shirt holiday spiritfind those and also. It’s allowing me to buildthat muscle it’s a long ryan to buildthat muscle so over time we get good atit and if you’re still tuning in here ahundred episodes from now I plan to beappreciably better at having these typesof conversations the next clip you’reabout to hear is from episode number 13we called this one careerlet’s talk about a job versus a careerversus a mission and let’s talk aboutwhere passion comes into the equationthere so if you can usually tell what’show happy someone is with what what theydo for a living what they do to earn apaycheck by how they describe it and thefirst thing you’ll hear people say is Ihave a job where I have to go to my jobor this is my joband and that tends to indicate thatthere isn’t a whole lot of passion oreven excitement with what they’re doingnothing wrong with having a job we allhave to pay the bills but there isn’t awhole lot in terms of of passion ormeaning or purpose and what they’redoingthe second thing you’ll hear people sayoften is I have a career and that’s astep. And what do I want toget out of this because it’s not justabout getting rid of the toys that wouldbe really weird and sadistic if you likeI really want to get rid of kids toyswell no that’s not the point your pointis you want to live with less clutterand you want to not be bombarded withstuff that gets used once or twice ormaybe three times if you’re lucky andthen discard it and the junk bin and thecalls that our basement or attic orworse a storage locker on the edge oftown you know the outcome I think mostof us want isn’t getting rid of thestuff the outcome is well I want my kidsto live a happier or more productivelife I want my kids to live the goodlife and grow to be good people beresponsible people and I can tell youyou know this already the materialpossessions aren’t going to make the kida better person rightI remember you know we Ryan and I bothgrew up really poor back on theoutskirts of Dayton Ohio and we werediscontented growing up and and Ithought it was because we didn’t make awhole lot of money but and

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Thoseas snacks and then and then go in yourhouse to. Experts inturning around the discontent andfinding meaning and so back to Ryan’splan when we were writingstuff on the website we’re constantlyfinding ways to loop in the meaning sowhen Ryan I wrote about those fivevalues in our life everything that we wetalk about now tends to lead back to ourfive core values or higher order valuesof health relationships creativity oreven call passion growth andcontribution when ever ends many of thethings we talk or write about they covermore than one of those topics and andthat that’s sort of the beacon by whichwe steer the ship Sean what else we gothere we can do one or two more know mefirstI don’t journal regularly but I dojou a Better Worry About Your Own Sins Because God Ain't Gonna Ask You About Mine T-Shirt l see Mariah journals she startedthis I don’t know a couple months agoand I have been kind of catching on likeif I’m not so tired that I just focusshe’ll sit in bed and write and if I’mreally tired I’ll just fall asleep butsometimes I’m not and instead of likegoing to my phone and looking atFacebook or YouTube videos or whatever Iwill pull out my phone and. And like my carwas in the parking lot at the at theairport and my goodness like two feet ofsnow and uber now why would you drive tothe airport because I didn’t want totrust over in Missoula Montana at 4 00a m when I was going out there that’snot a safe bet I always order like ahalf hour ahead of time I got thoseearly flights when I have those earlyflight so that’s every flight out ofMissoula man yeah I mean they leave at5 30 a m or 6 30 a m haha yeah well soso let’s talk about where we’re gonnalook ahead but first we’re gonna glancein the rearview a little bit soyesterday we’re recording this onDecember 15th like I said the day ourdocumentary hits Netflix if it’s not outin your country by the way I know a lotof people are frustrated it’s not inDenmark or Brazil or wherever I’m sorryNetflix didn’t pick it up everywhere butdon’t worry it’s still availableworldwide on Vimeo so if you want achance to watch the film and by the waythere’s six hours of exclusive bonuscontent on Vimeo you can’t get anywhereelse so a
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