Take My Hand We Ll Get Through This Together Breast Cancer

Thatsignificant or set another way whatother pathsbesides material possessions can I taketo get that to that outcome how else canI be significant in a Take My Hand We Ll Get Through This Together Breast Cancer positive waybecause we all have a need a need forsignificance and we can either fulfillthat need negatively you know if Ithreatened someone threatened to beatsomeone up who is less powerful than methen of course I’m going to getsignificance from that person but it’snot the good kind of significantsignificance through fear as opposed tosignificance through value if Icontribute to someone’s life and they’regrateful for that well then I feelsignificant for all the right reasonsand so how can you help them feelsignificant for the right reasons howcan you help them get to that outcomebesides material possessions thosematerial possessions sure they can helpaugment their high school experience butthey don’t have to drive their highschool experience it’s the same thingthat I talked about a second ago withwith advertisements or with moneyI’m okay with making money it’s just. Just came outlast month and so I’d love to send. December 25thto give you that thing when I can giveyou this thing on March 3rd or November11th or whenever I want to show you Icare about you every day I don’t want towait until 6 or 7 days throughout theyear to show you that I care so if Ithink you’ll find value in somethingwhether it’s a physical good or anexperience let’s not wait until theholiday let me show you I care about youright now and let me show you I careabout you every single day Sean what’sour next question so the question isabout having tools necessary to do atask and incontext specifically it has to do witheducation so teachers or students whoneed to have a lot of books or a lot ofpaperwork or and the teachers case myformer spouse she’s an eighth gradeteacher and she had just so manyaccoutrements that she needed to adornher classroom with or at least a sheento adorn her classroom list so a coupleanswers that I’ll have here one isminimalism is not about deprivation andso as a minimalist everything I ownserves a purpose or brings me joy andeverything

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To be then it’s okay to let goat least for nowyeah I will expound a Take My Hand We Ll Get Through This Together Breast Cancer little bit becauseno like don’t get rid of your parentsI’m sure they’re great peopleoh actually this was a question foreveryone else I should just note that myfamily is awesome well you tell me howdo you know so I have family members whoI do distance myself from like I’mtotally there for them they call me upand they’re like hey I need 50 bucks foryou know whatever hey I need you to flyhome because mom’s sick I mean I wouldtotally be there and like hands down noquestions asked but I I will spend Iwill spend not nearly as much time withthem than when I used to because I usedto feel obligated to do that and Irealized I’m like you know what i’m joshis you know he’s he’s like a brother tome and I mean he’s practically familyyou know for me it doesn’t matter who’swho’s whose blood someone has in theirveins as long as they’re investing in mei invest in them thank you thank youthank you we got three more lightningrounds here what’s up guys thank you Isaw. To do that wecould totally enjoy other people’sdecorations but you. Abouteverything she’s constantly asking whywhy and you can’t just give her asimplistic answer you can to say wellbecause that’s how it is because nowshe’ll just say well why because whybecause and and then you’ll give her ananswer but five minutes later she asksthe same questionand they’re actually you knowpsychological reasons for doing thatkids really want affirmation andattention but but the the reason thatshe’s asking that is so we can try toreiterate the story in a different wayand explain it to her but you can’t justsay do you remember this thing I toldyou five minutes ago often we have toactually just reiterate the story and sokeep in mind the kids are watching usthey’re they’re paying attention they’rehanging on to our every word in manycases and so we have to be careful withwhat options that we put in front ofthem either intentionally orinadvertently and you know what I knowyou say you feel guilty dawn when youare getting rid of some of the stuff butmaybe the question to ask yourself iswhat is my outcome
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