Cat That's What I Do I Am A Nurse And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt

During thepre sale let’s see after the holidayhappiness tour in 2012 Ryan we did 2013we did two very very small tours likemicro toursdo you remember these we did spring intominimalism which was like six cities andwe were driving down South by Southwestwith me you and Colin was with us yeahyeah okay so we did Denver and we didwhat else did we do besides Boston wedid Houston we did what yeah yeah yeahAustin Houston Dallas even right yeahmaybe yeah I remember because we staywith the family and Fort Worth okay yeahand then we the thing nellis there wasMissoula we did Missoula six cities andthat was just a Cat That's What I Do I Am A Nurse And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt short tour we did withColin hopefully we get we can drag Colinaround for one or two of these thesetour stops that helped and we’ll havesome surprise guest at some of these aswell I’m gonna be reaching out to somefolks who we may have as a super secretsurprise guest and we won’t reveal ituntil the day they show up and maybe usesome musical actthat was one thing I really like fromthe 2014 tour we had some people on. Getting back to answer yourquestion you needed some context firstand so we wrote our first book in 2011it’s called minimalism live a meaningfullife and people found value in that andthen Ryan and I moved out to Montanafour years ago wrote our second bookcalled everything that remains it was amemoir about the last four years of ourlives and so that was a differentvehicle to share our message but then wealso went out on tour we’ve been out ona bunch of tours the largest tour weever did was backin 2014 we did a hundred cities over thecourse of 10 months in 8 differentcountries 119 different events andduring that process it was a differentvehicle to communicate our message ofsimple living and in fact you can seethat much of that tour in our newdocumentary which is called minimalismit’s on Netflix now for those of you whoare just tuning in it’s also everywhereelse you can find all the details tothat and watch the trailer share thetrailer as well at minimalism film comand what we learned is that over timethere were all. In there that Ithink it’ll really help you out there’san essay in there called financialfreedom five difficult steps to get outof debt and I actually put a version ofthat essay on our website as well soother folks can check that out just overat the minimalists comm slash freedomand I really mean that it’s fivedifficult steps to get out of debtbecause getting out of debt isn’t easybut it’s so worth it because especiallyfor your kids you want to create a lifefor them to where they don’t they don’tsee that debt and you don’t want them toget into that same situation so we’lleither send you a print version of thatbook or ebook version or it just cameout on audiobook as well so Sean if youhave any audible download codes left ifyou could send JD either the audiobookif you wants to listen to that there orthe the print or ebook versions thoseare available as well we’ll get that outto you there’s also an essay in therethat I that I really love it’s calledeleven signed you might be broke and itreally goes to show that we are

Source: Cat That's What I Do I Am A Nurse And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt

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Segment and I agree that oftenduring the Cat That's What I Do I Am A Nurse And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt holidays drinking is. Enough discontent to make achange but we don’t experience enoughpleasure to feel fulfilled to feel happyto feel that sense of purpose or masteryor autonomy that we all need when we arecreating and so having jobs okay I thinkwe all need to pay the bills but I wouldprefer to have a mission and so you saidhere how people should do what they’repassionate about I don’t think youshould do what you’re passionate about Ithink you should find a way to cultivatea passion and so we’ll continue withyour question here the problem having isI’m passionate about multiple things andI don’t know which one I should followespecially since it will ultimatelyaffect my college pursuits at first Itry to do it all I tried to be Supermanbut now I realize that’s not realisticone of my passions is violin and I needto practice ideally about five to sixhours every single day I’m alsoextremely passionate about musiccomposition and my dream is to be acomposer that would make my day butother than music I’m incrediblypassionate about theater literature andwriting. Rapidswe’d love to see you there we could I’dlove to make you know someday I want todo a tour Orion it’s where everywherewe’ve never been so one of our favoriteartists Austin Hartley Leonard he has analbum or an EP caught it’s with thatsong Ohio on itit’s called everywhere I’ve never beenman I would love to do a tour of lay allright now we’re gonna do a tour stop inSaginaw and now we’re gonna do a tourstop in and College State what’s uhwhat’s what’s the city in the middle ofPennsylvania College I have no idea yeahanyway am I right Sean yeah he’s he’she’s nodding his headsuspiciously or like I want to go toMobile Alabama or I want to go reallyreally we haven’t done a stop there’sDetroit yeah yeah I know we haven’t andit just didn’t work out with this legunfortunately we were trying to bookDetroit I was working with Andrew or abooking agent by the way I got to saythanks to him and thanks to Nicole overat APA our booking agency this firsttime we’ve worked with a booking agentin the past Ryan and I would just belike
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