This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo

This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo

He s just the nicest guy I ve known him since second grade they re salt of the earth kind of people chris o’connell fox 29 wants to help the brooks family and so do I paul and janet brooks live in a This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo one bedroom home in nether providence township pennsylvania with their two teenage children both of whom have autism he calls it his castle says chris their son and daughter sleep in that one bedroom while paul and janet sleep on the couch and that s the way things have been for 16 years but a few years back the brooks thought their fervent prayers for a bigger home had been answered after one tough blow after another paul broke his back on the job he’s now got four bolts and cage in his back says janet that injury cost him his job but he did get a settlement check that check along with money they managed to scrape together over the years was their ticket to expanding their little home so that each of their children could have their own room and they could sleep in an actual bed in actual bedroom we gave a contractor our life s savings everything janet says it added up to about 25 000 he started the job then took off he left them holding nothing more than a shattered dream and a newly damaged roof chris o connell did a story about what happened back then I personally think stealing a family s life savings is a crime but the delaware county district attorney s office did not it said it was a civil matter and the brooks certainly didn t have the money to take that contractor to court after that story aired a few folks stepped up and said they d make things right amazing the brooks thought their prayers were answered again but then those contractors also left you just want to cry it s so upsetting because we got this close janet says as she holds her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart so here s where it stands the brooks do now have a concrete slabbed poured they have architectural drawings for the extension computerized graphics as well wouldn t it be wonderful if we could help them get the supplies it would take to finish the addition wouldn t it be wonderful if we could find people to step up with hammers and saws and such wouldn t it be wonderful if someone would take on the role of project manager can you imagine the heartwarming story we could share the spirits it would lift janet s a mom whose full time job is raising her children on the spectrum kristy s my munchkin she s 15 years old she doesn t talk but she shows emotion in all kinds of ways she smiles hugs and kisses there are people who are worse off than we are and we know that we just want to give the kids their own room and we’re hoping not to sleep on the sofa anymore I absolutely love janet s outlook on life here she is struggling to raise her children on the spectrum her husband s on permanent disability and pain is as much a part of his life as breathing a contractor stole their life savings and she tells me her family s blessed that every day s a good day her son paulie is 19 years old his school is teaching him how to navigate in this world of ours as independently as possible when he graduated from high school he got a 250 scholarship we were shocked says janet I was crying about it imagine how shocked how many happy tears janet would shed along with paul paulie and kristy if we could help them finish what a contractor began so many years ago here s a gofundme set up to help every little bit helps 3 and if you know anyone who has supplies or the skill to help the brooks please reach out let s do this. Hallo thomas der wessumer bayern fanclub erhielt gestern einen hilfeaufruf hallo mein name ist marlon dülker ich bin 6 jahre alt und ein besonderes kind in den wenigen jahren in denen ich auf der welt bin habe ich schon einiges erlebt ich wurde am 05 09 2010 geboren da ich mich nicht altersgerecht entwickelt habe wurde ich komplett auf den kopf gestellt bei einer untersuchung wurde dann bei mir der seltene gendefekt namens angelman syndrom diagnostiziert ich bin zu 100 schwerbehindert ich kann noch nicht laufen und werde wohl niemals ein wort sprechen können ich bin immer sehr aktiv viel in bewegung und habe sehr sehr viel kraft und bewege mich so unkoordiniert dass es für meine eltern immer schwieriger wird mich zu pflegen ich bin meistens gut gelaunt und lache sehr viel daher sagen mama und papa immer dass ich ihnen viel mehr gebe als ich nehme auch wenn der alltag zuweilen mit mir sehr anstrengend ist ich habe noch eine jüngere schwester die sehr lieb zu mir ist viel von mir lernt und von der ich noch viel lernen kann mehrere tausend kilometer im jahr fahren meine eltern damit ich von verschiedenen ärzten untersucht werden kann und entsprechende therapien bekomme ich könnte über mein leben noch so viel mehr berichten aber das wäre hier einfach zu viel weil alle eltern nur das beste für ihr kind wollen wollen meine eltern das auch für mich daher versuchen sie mich so gut es geht zu fördern nun haben wir von eltern deren kind auch ein angelman syndrom haben erfahren dass eine delphintherapie sehr erfolgversprechend für die weitere entwicklung ist warum eine delphintherapie die delphintherapie kann meine behinderung nicht heilen forscher haben jedoch herausgefunden dass gerade besondere kinder wie ich es bin durch die arbeit mit delphinen bis zu viermal schneller und mit größerer intensität lernen außerdem lieben angelman kinder das wasser so sehr es gibt nichts größeres für mich als im wasser herum zu plantschen meine eltern erhoffen sich von der delphintherapie dass meine motorik besser wird dass ich mal etwas richtig greifen und anfassen kann ohne dass ich es direkt in den mund stecke oder dass es mir gleich wieder aus der hand fällt außerdem wünschen sie sich so sehr dass ich vielleicht mal ruhig sitzen kann und in ruhe zuhören kann wenn meine mama oder mein papa mir eine geschichte vorlesen das ist mir aufgrund meiner motorischen unruhe nämlich derzeit gar nicht möglich in diesem zusammenhang sind sie auf der reha care und bei weiteren entsprechenden recherchen auf die seite von dolphin aid gestoßen die seit jahrzehnten schon erfolge mit delphintherapien hat meine eltern wollen es mir ermöglichen nur schaffen sie es alleine nicht diese therapie kostet weit über 10 000 euro soviel geld haben wir leider nicht habt ein herz und helft mir die spenden werden ausschließlich für meine delphintherapie verwendet vielen dank an alle die mich und meine eltern unterstützen hiermit fragen wir dich könntest du uns ein unterschriebenes trikot zukommen lassen damit wir dieses meistbietend verkaufen könnten und wir der familie helfen können über deine unterstützung würden wir uns sehr freuen grüße aus dem münsterland bayern fanclub wessum I a torsten isferding. When people are twisting words to support bigotry and minimize hateful violence calling them out for it isn t hatred but something we should hope to see from any responsible leader Hot This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Other products Premium Trending, Father Day This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Watch ari’s iheartradio festival performance tonight at 8 7c only on the This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo cw iheartoncw 3 team ariana. Today we are launching the world’s first ai voice petition to end malaria please take a few seconds to join me and thousands of others around the world to say malariamustdie together we can beat malaria petition malariamustdie com malaria must die. Important legislation introduced yesterday the reproductive rights are human rights act would correct the trump administration’s dangerous decision to remove reporting on reproductive rights from the state department’s annual reports on human rights practices around the world some background all branches of the u s government use the state department’s human rights reports to shape policy and inform decision making around diplomacy and allocations of aid and security human rights advocates lawmakers academics businesses ngos and other institutions all over the world use the reports to inform their work as well of particular note u s immigration judges and asylum officers use the human rights reports to evaluate the credibility of an applicant’s fear of persecution human rights reports that contradict an asylum seeker in virtually any way can be fatal to an asylum application imagine how this can play out a woman living in el salvador where abortion is banned is raped and becomes pregnant she suffers a miscarriage and decides to flee the country knowing that 17 of her country women were sentenced to up to 40 years in prison after miscarrying her u s asylum officer opens up the state department’s human rights reports and finds no information about those 17 women imprisoned for miscarrying or el salvador’s abortion ban he deems she has no credible fear of persecution if she returns home he denies her application I introduced reproductive rights sections to the reports while I was secretary of state because access to reproductive health care is a protected human right affecting women’s right to life equality and freedom from inhumane treatment women’s reproductive rights are human rights that are universal and indivisible governments do not get to pick and choose whose rights and which rights will be respected by requiring annual reporting on women’s access to basic health care like contraception safe abortion and maternal health care around the world congress can make sure the rights of women and girls will no longer be up for grabs in each election in other words women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights period call your members of congress today and ask them to support the reproductive rights are human rights act 202 224 3121 See Other related products: father day and shirt This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo He s just the nicest guy I ve known him since second grade they re salt of the earth kind of people chris o’connell fox 29 wants to help the brooks family and so do I paul and janet brooks live in a This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo one bedroom home in nether providence township pennsylvania with their two teenage children both of whom have autism he calls it his castle says chris their son and daughter sleep in that one bedroom while paul and janet sleep on the couch and that s the way things have been for 16 years but a few years back the brooks thought their fervent prayers for a bigger home had been answered after one tough blow after another paul broke his back on the job he’s now got four bolts and cage in his back says janet that injury cost him his job but he did get a settlement check that check along with money they managed to scrape together over the years was their ticket to expanding their little home so that each of their children could have their own room and they could sleep in an actual bed in actual bedroom we gave a contractor our life s savings everything janet says it added up to about 25 000 he started the job then took off he left them holding nothing more than a shattered dream and a newly damaged roof chris o connell did a story about what happened back then I personally think stealing a family s life savings is a crime but the delaware county district attorney s office did not it said it was a civil matter and the brooks certainly didn t have the money to take that contractor to court after that story aired a few folks stepped up and said they d make things right amazing the brooks thought their prayers were answered again but then those contractors also left you just want to cry it s so upsetting because we got this close janet says as she holds her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart so here s where it stands the brooks do now have a concrete slabbed poured they have architectural drawings for the extension computerized graphics as well wouldn t it be wonderful if we could help them get the supplies it would take to finish the addition wouldn t it be wonderful if we could find people to step up with hammers and saws and such wouldn t it be wonderful if someone would take on the role of project manager can you imagine the heartwarming story we could share the spirits it would lift janet s a mom whose full time job is raising her children on the spectrum kristy s my munchkin she s 15 years old she doesn t talk but she shows emotion in all kinds of ways she smiles hugs and kisses there are people who are worse off than we are and we know that we just want to give the kids their own room and we’re hoping not to sleep on the sofa anymore I absolutely love janet s outlook on life here she is struggling to raise her children on the spectrum her husband s on permanent disability and pain is as much a part of his life as breathing a contractor stole their life savings and she tells me her family s blessed that every day s a good day her son paulie is 19 years old his school is teaching him how to navigate in this world of ours as independently as possible when he graduated from high school he got a 250 scholarship we were shocked says janet I was crying about it imagine how shocked how many happy tears janet would shed along with paul paulie and kristy if we could help them finish what a contractor began so many years ago here s a gofundme set up to help every little bit helps 3 and if you know anyone who has supplies or the skill to help the brooks please reach out let s do this. Hallo thomas der wessumer bayern fanclub erhielt gestern einen hilfeaufruf hallo mein name ist marlon dülker ich bin 6 jahre alt und ein besonderes kind in den wenigen jahren in denen ich auf der welt bin habe ich schon einiges erlebt ich wurde am 05 09 2010 geboren da ich mich nicht altersgerecht entwickelt habe wurde ich komplett auf den kopf gestellt bei einer untersuchung wurde dann bei mir der seltene gendefekt namens angelman syndrom diagnostiziert ich bin zu 100 schwerbehindert ich kann noch nicht laufen und werde wohl niemals ein wort sprechen können ich bin immer sehr aktiv viel in bewegung und habe sehr sehr viel kraft und bewege mich so unkoordiniert dass es für meine eltern immer schwieriger wird mich zu pflegen ich bin meistens gut gelaunt und lache sehr viel daher sagen mama und papa immer dass ich ihnen viel mehr gebe als ich nehme auch wenn der alltag zuweilen mit mir sehr anstrengend ist ich habe noch eine jüngere schwester die sehr lieb zu mir ist viel von mir lernt und von der ich noch viel lernen kann mehrere tausend kilometer im jahr fahren meine eltern damit ich von verschiedenen ärzten untersucht werden kann und entsprechende therapien bekomme ich könnte über mein leben noch so viel mehr berichten aber das wäre hier einfach zu viel weil alle eltern nur das beste für ihr kind wollen wollen meine eltern das auch für mich daher versuchen sie mich so gut es geht zu fördern nun haben wir von eltern deren kind auch ein angelman syndrom haben erfahren dass eine delphintherapie sehr erfolgversprechend für die weitere entwicklung ist warum eine delphintherapie die delphintherapie kann meine behinderung nicht heilen forscher haben jedoch herausgefunden dass gerade besondere kinder wie ich es bin durch die arbeit mit delphinen bis zu viermal schneller und mit größerer intensität lernen außerdem lieben angelman kinder das wasser so sehr es gibt nichts größeres für mich als im wasser herum zu plantschen meine eltern erhoffen sich von der delphintherapie dass meine motorik besser wird dass ich mal etwas richtig greifen und anfassen kann ohne dass ich es direkt in den mund stecke oder dass es mir gleich wieder aus der hand fällt außerdem wünschen sie sich so sehr dass ich vielleicht mal ruhig sitzen kann und in ruhe zuhören kann wenn meine mama oder mein papa mir eine geschichte vorlesen das ist mir aufgrund meiner motorischen unruhe nämlich derzeit gar nicht möglich in diesem zusammenhang sind sie auf der reha care und bei weiteren entsprechenden recherchen auf die seite von dolphin aid gestoßen die seit jahrzehnten schon erfolge mit delphintherapien hat meine eltern wollen es mir ermöglichen nur schaffen sie es alleine nicht diese therapie kostet weit über 10 000 euro soviel geld haben wir leider nicht habt ein herz und helft mir die spenden werden ausschließlich für meine delphintherapie verwendet vielen dank an alle die mich und meine eltern unterstützen hiermit fragen wir dich könntest du uns ein unterschriebenes trikot zukommen lassen damit wir dieses meistbietend verkaufen könnten und wir der familie helfen können über deine unterstützung würden wir uns sehr freuen grüße aus dem münsterland bayern fanclub wessum I a torsten isferding. When people are twisting words to support bigotry and minimize hateful violence calling them out for it isn t hatred but something we should hope to see from any responsible leader Hot This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Other products Premium Trending, Father Day This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Watch ari’s iheartradio festival performance tonight at 8 7c only on the This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo cw iheartoncw 3 team ariana. Today we are launching the world’s first ai voice petition to end malaria please take a few seconds to join me and thousands of others around the world to say malariamustdie together we can beat malaria petition malariamustdie com malaria must die. Important legislation introduced yesterday the reproductive rights are human rights act would correct the trump administration’s dangerous decision to remove reporting on reproductive rights from the state department’s annual reports on human rights practices around the world some background all branches of the u s government use the state department’s human rights reports to shape policy and inform decision making around diplomacy and allocations of aid and security human rights advocates lawmakers academics businesses ngos and other institutions all over the world use the reports to inform their work as well of particular note u s immigration judges and asylum officers use the human rights reports to evaluate the credibility of an applicant’s fear of persecution human rights reports that contradict an asylum seeker in virtually any way can be fatal to an asylum application imagine how this can play out a woman living in el salvador where abortion is banned is raped and becomes pregnant she suffers a miscarriage and decides to flee the country knowing that 17 of her country women were sentenced to up to 40 years in prison after miscarrying her u s asylum officer opens up the state department’s human rights reports and finds no information about those 17 women imprisoned for miscarrying or el salvador’s abortion ban he deems she has no credible fear of persecution if she returns home he denies her application I introduced reproductive rights sections to the reports while I was secretary of state because access to reproductive health care is a protected human right affecting women’s right to life equality and freedom from inhumane treatment women’s reproductive rights are human rights that are universal and indivisible governments do not get to pick and choose whose rights and which rights will be respected by requiring annual reporting on women’s access to basic health care like contraception safe abortion and maternal health care around the world congress can make sure the rights of women and girls will no longer be up for grabs in each election in other words women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights period call your members of congress today and ask them to support the reproductive rights are human rights act 202 224 3121 See Other related products: father day and shirt

This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo - from 1

This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo - from 1

He s just the nicest guy I ve known him since second grade they re salt of the earth kind of people chris o’connell fox 29 wants to help the brooks family and so do I paul and janet brooks live in a This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo one bedroom home in nether providence township pennsylvania with their two teenage children both of whom have autism he calls it his castle says chris their son and daughter sleep in that one bedroom while paul and janet sleep on the couch and that s the way things have been for 16 years but a few years back the brooks thought their fervent prayers for a bigger home had been answered after one tough blow after another paul broke his back on the job he’s now got four bolts and cage in his back says janet that injury cost him his job but he did get a settlement check that check along with money they managed to scrape together over the years was their ticket to expanding their little home so that each of their children could have their own room and they could sleep in an actual bed in actual bedroom we gave a contractor our life s savings everything janet says it added up to about 25 000 he started the job then took off he left them holding nothing more than a shattered dream and a newly damaged roof chris o connell did a story about what happened back then I personally think stealing a family s life savings is a crime but the delaware county district attorney s office did not it said it was a civil matter and the brooks certainly didn t have the money to take that contractor to court after that story aired a few folks stepped up and said they d make things right amazing the brooks thought their prayers were answered again but then those contractors also left you just want to cry it s so upsetting because we got this close janet says as she holds her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart so here s where it stands the brooks do now have a concrete slabbed poured they have architectural drawings for the extension computerized graphics as well wouldn t it be wonderful if we could help them get the supplies it would take to finish the addition wouldn t it be wonderful if we could find people to step up with hammers and saws and such wouldn t it be wonderful if someone would take on the role of project manager can you imagine the heartwarming story we could share the spirits it would lift janet s a mom whose full time job is raising her children on the spectrum kristy s my munchkin she s 15 years old she doesn t talk but she shows emotion in all kinds of ways she smiles hugs and kisses there are people who are worse off than we are and we know that we just want to give the kids their own room and we’re hoping not to sleep on the sofa anymore I absolutely love janet s outlook on life here she is struggling to raise her children on the spectrum her husband s on permanent disability and pain is as much a part of his life as breathing a contractor stole their life savings and she tells me her family s blessed that every day s a good day her son paulie is 19 years old his school is teaching him how to navigate in this world of ours as independently as possible when he graduated from high school he got a 250 scholarship we were shocked says janet I was crying about it imagine how shocked how many happy tears janet would shed along with paul paulie and kristy if we could help them finish what a contractor began so many years ago here s a gofundme set up to help every little bit helps 3 and if you know anyone who has supplies or the skill to help the brooks please reach out let s do this. Hallo thomas der wessumer bayern fanclub erhielt gestern einen hilfeaufruf hallo mein name ist marlon dülker ich bin 6 jahre alt und ein besonderes kind in den wenigen jahren in denen ich auf der welt bin habe ich schon einiges erlebt ich wurde am 05 09 2010 geboren da ich mich nicht altersgerecht entwickelt habe wurde ich komplett auf den kopf gestellt bei einer untersuchung wurde dann bei mir der seltene gendefekt namens angelman syndrom diagnostiziert ich bin zu 100 schwerbehindert ich kann noch nicht laufen und werde wohl niemals ein wort sprechen können ich bin immer sehr aktiv viel in bewegung und habe sehr sehr viel kraft und bewege mich so unkoordiniert dass es für meine eltern immer schwieriger wird mich zu pflegen ich bin meistens gut gelaunt und lache sehr viel daher sagen mama und papa immer dass ich ihnen viel mehr gebe als ich nehme auch wenn der alltag zuweilen mit mir sehr anstrengend ist ich habe noch eine jüngere schwester die sehr lieb zu mir ist viel von mir lernt und von der ich noch viel lernen kann mehrere tausend kilometer im jahr fahren meine eltern damit ich von verschiedenen ärzten untersucht werden kann und entsprechende therapien bekomme ich könnte über mein leben noch so viel mehr berichten aber das wäre hier einfach zu viel weil alle eltern nur das beste für ihr kind wollen wollen meine eltern das auch für mich daher versuchen sie mich so gut es geht zu fördern nun haben wir von eltern deren kind auch ein angelman syndrom haben erfahren dass eine delphintherapie sehr erfolgversprechend für die weitere entwicklung ist warum eine delphintherapie die delphintherapie kann meine behinderung nicht heilen forscher haben jedoch herausgefunden dass gerade besondere kinder wie ich es bin durch die arbeit mit delphinen bis zu viermal schneller und mit größerer intensität lernen außerdem lieben angelman kinder das wasser so sehr es gibt nichts größeres für mich als im wasser herum zu plantschen meine eltern erhoffen sich von der delphintherapie dass meine motorik besser wird dass ich mal etwas richtig greifen und anfassen kann ohne dass ich es direkt in den mund stecke oder dass es mir gleich wieder aus der hand fällt außerdem wünschen sie sich so sehr dass ich vielleicht mal ruhig sitzen kann und in ruhe zuhören kann wenn meine mama oder mein papa mir eine geschichte vorlesen das ist mir aufgrund meiner motorischen unruhe nämlich derzeit gar nicht möglich in diesem zusammenhang sind sie auf der reha care und bei weiteren entsprechenden recherchen auf die seite von dolphin aid gestoßen die seit jahrzehnten schon erfolge mit delphintherapien hat meine eltern wollen es mir ermöglichen nur schaffen sie es alleine nicht diese therapie kostet weit über 10 000 euro soviel geld haben wir leider nicht habt ein herz und helft mir die spenden werden ausschließlich für meine delphintherapie verwendet vielen dank an alle die mich und meine eltern unterstützen hiermit fragen wir dich könntest du uns ein unterschriebenes trikot zukommen lassen damit wir dieses meistbietend verkaufen könnten und wir der familie helfen können über deine unterstützung würden wir uns sehr freuen grüße aus dem münsterland bayern fanclub wessum I a torsten isferding. When people are twisting words to support bigotry and minimize hateful violence calling them out for it isn t hatred but something we should hope to see from any responsible leader Hot This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Other products Premium Trending, Father Day This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Watch ari’s iheartradio festival performance tonight at 8 7c only on the This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo cw iheartoncw 3 team ariana. Today we are launching the world’s first ai voice petition to end malaria please take a few seconds to join me and thousands of others around the world to say malariamustdie together we can beat malaria petition malariamustdie com malaria must die. Important legislation introduced yesterday the reproductive rights are human rights act would correct the trump administration’s dangerous decision to remove reporting on reproductive rights from the state department’s annual reports on human rights practices around the world some background all branches of the u s government use the state department’s human rights reports to shape policy and inform decision making around diplomacy and allocations of aid and security human rights advocates lawmakers academics businesses ngos and other institutions all over the world use the reports to inform their work as well of particular note u s immigration judges and asylum officers use the human rights reports to evaluate the credibility of an applicant’s fear of persecution human rights reports that contradict an asylum seeker in virtually any way can be fatal to an asylum application imagine how this can play out a woman living in el salvador where abortion is banned is raped and becomes pregnant she suffers a miscarriage and decides to flee the country knowing that 17 of her country women were sentenced to up to 40 years in prison after miscarrying her u s asylum officer opens up the state department’s human rights reports and finds no information about those 17 women imprisoned for miscarrying or el salvador’s abortion ban he deems she has no credible fear of persecution if she returns home he denies her application I introduced reproductive rights sections to the reports while I was secretary of state because access to reproductive health care is a protected human right affecting women’s right to life equality and freedom from inhumane treatment women’s reproductive rights are human rights that are universal and indivisible governments do not get to pick and choose whose rights and which rights will be respected by requiring annual reporting on women’s access to basic health care like contraception safe abortion and maternal health care around the world congress can make sure the rights of women and girls will no longer be up for grabs in each election in other words women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights period call your members of congress today and ask them to support the reproductive rights are human rights act 202 224 3121 See Other related products: father day and shirt This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo He s just the nicest guy I ve known him since second grade they re salt of the earth kind of people chris o’connell fox 29 wants to help the brooks family and so do I paul and janet brooks live in a This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo one bedroom home in nether providence township pennsylvania with their two teenage children both of whom have autism he calls it his castle says chris their son and daughter sleep in that one bedroom while paul and janet sleep on the couch and that s the way things have been for 16 years but a few years back the brooks thought their fervent prayers for a bigger home had been answered after one tough blow after another paul broke his back on the job he’s now got four bolts and cage in his back says janet that injury cost him his job but he did get a settlement check that check along with money they managed to scrape together over the years was their ticket to expanding their little home so that each of their children could have their own room and they could sleep in an actual bed in actual bedroom we gave a contractor our life s savings everything janet says it added up to about 25 000 he started the job then took off he left them holding nothing more than a shattered dream and a newly damaged roof chris o connell did a story about what happened back then I personally think stealing a family s life savings is a crime but the delaware county district attorney s office did not it said it was a civil matter and the brooks certainly didn t have the money to take that contractor to court after that story aired a few folks stepped up and said they d make things right amazing the brooks thought their prayers were answered again but then those contractors also left you just want to cry it s so upsetting because we got this close janet says as she holds her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart so here s where it stands the brooks do now have a concrete slabbed poured they have architectural drawings for the extension computerized graphics as well wouldn t it be wonderful if we could help them get the supplies it would take to finish the addition wouldn t it be wonderful if we could find people to step up with hammers and saws and such wouldn t it be wonderful if someone would take on the role of project manager can you imagine the heartwarming story we could share the spirits it would lift janet s a mom whose full time job is raising her children on the spectrum kristy s my munchkin she s 15 years old she doesn t talk but she shows emotion in all kinds of ways she smiles hugs and kisses there are people who are worse off than we are and we know that we just want to give the kids their own room and we’re hoping not to sleep on the sofa anymore I absolutely love janet s outlook on life here she is struggling to raise her children on the spectrum her husband s on permanent disability and pain is as much a part of his life as breathing a contractor stole their life savings and she tells me her family s blessed that every day s a good day her son paulie is 19 years old his school is teaching him how to navigate in this world of ours as independently as possible when he graduated from high school he got a 250 scholarship we were shocked says janet I was crying about it imagine how shocked how many happy tears janet would shed along with paul paulie and kristy if we could help them finish what a contractor began so many years ago here s a gofundme set up to help every little bit helps 3 and if you know anyone who has supplies or the skill to help the brooks please reach out let s do this. Hallo thomas der wessumer bayern fanclub erhielt gestern einen hilfeaufruf hallo mein name ist marlon dülker ich bin 6 jahre alt und ein besonderes kind in den wenigen jahren in denen ich auf der welt bin habe ich schon einiges erlebt ich wurde am 05 09 2010 geboren da ich mich nicht altersgerecht entwickelt habe wurde ich komplett auf den kopf gestellt bei einer untersuchung wurde dann bei mir der seltene gendefekt namens angelman syndrom diagnostiziert ich bin zu 100 schwerbehindert ich kann noch nicht laufen und werde wohl niemals ein wort sprechen können ich bin immer sehr aktiv viel in bewegung und habe sehr sehr viel kraft und bewege mich so unkoordiniert dass es für meine eltern immer schwieriger wird mich zu pflegen ich bin meistens gut gelaunt und lache sehr viel daher sagen mama und papa immer dass ich ihnen viel mehr gebe als ich nehme auch wenn der alltag zuweilen mit mir sehr anstrengend ist ich habe noch eine jüngere schwester die sehr lieb zu mir ist viel von mir lernt und von der ich noch viel lernen kann mehrere tausend kilometer im jahr fahren meine eltern damit ich von verschiedenen ärzten untersucht werden kann und entsprechende therapien bekomme ich könnte über mein leben noch so viel mehr berichten aber das wäre hier einfach zu viel weil alle eltern nur das beste für ihr kind wollen wollen meine eltern das auch für mich daher versuchen sie mich so gut es geht zu fördern nun haben wir von eltern deren kind auch ein angelman syndrom haben erfahren dass eine delphintherapie sehr erfolgversprechend für die weitere entwicklung ist warum eine delphintherapie die delphintherapie kann meine behinderung nicht heilen forscher haben jedoch herausgefunden dass gerade besondere kinder wie ich es bin durch die arbeit mit delphinen bis zu viermal schneller und mit größerer intensität lernen außerdem lieben angelman kinder das wasser so sehr es gibt nichts größeres für mich als im wasser herum zu plantschen meine eltern erhoffen sich von der delphintherapie dass meine motorik besser wird dass ich mal etwas richtig greifen und anfassen kann ohne dass ich es direkt in den mund stecke oder dass es mir gleich wieder aus der hand fällt außerdem wünschen sie sich so sehr dass ich vielleicht mal ruhig sitzen kann und in ruhe zuhören kann wenn meine mama oder mein papa mir eine geschichte vorlesen das ist mir aufgrund meiner motorischen unruhe nämlich derzeit gar nicht möglich in diesem zusammenhang sind sie auf der reha care und bei weiteren entsprechenden recherchen auf die seite von dolphin aid gestoßen die seit jahrzehnten schon erfolge mit delphintherapien hat meine eltern wollen es mir ermöglichen nur schaffen sie es alleine nicht diese therapie kostet weit über 10 000 euro soviel geld haben wir leider nicht habt ein herz und helft mir die spenden werden ausschließlich für meine delphintherapie verwendet vielen dank an alle die mich und meine eltern unterstützen hiermit fragen wir dich könntest du uns ein unterschriebenes trikot zukommen lassen damit wir dieses meistbietend verkaufen könnten und wir der familie helfen können über deine unterstützung würden wir uns sehr freuen grüße aus dem münsterland bayern fanclub wessum I a torsten isferding. When people are twisting words to support bigotry and minimize hateful violence calling them out for it isn t hatred but something we should hope to see from any responsible leader Hot This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Other products Premium Trending, Father Day This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Watch ari’s iheartradio festival performance tonight at 8 7c only on the This Welder Does Not Play Well With Stupid People T Shirt From AllezyGo cw iheartoncw 3 team ariana. Today we are launching the world’s first ai voice petition to end malaria please take a few seconds to join me and thousands of others around the world to say malariamustdie together we can beat malaria petition malariamustdie com malaria must die. Important legislation introduced yesterday the reproductive rights are human rights act would correct the trump administration’s dangerous decision to remove reporting on reproductive rights from the state department’s annual reports on human rights practices around the world some background all branches of the u s government use the state department’s human rights reports to shape policy and inform decision making around diplomacy and allocations of aid and security human rights advocates lawmakers academics businesses ngos and other institutions all over the world use the reports to inform their work as well of particular note u s immigration judges and asylum officers use the human rights reports to evaluate the credibility of an applicant’s fear of persecution human rights reports that contradict an asylum seeker in virtually any way can be fatal to an asylum application imagine how this can play out a woman living in el salvador where abortion is banned is raped and becomes pregnant she suffers a miscarriage and decides to flee the country knowing that 17 of her country women were sentenced to up to 40 years in prison after miscarrying her u s asylum officer opens up the state department’s human rights reports and finds no information about those 17 women imprisoned for miscarrying or el salvador’s abortion ban he deems she has no credible fear of persecution if she returns home he denies her application I introduced reproductive rights sections to the reports while I was secretary of state because access to reproductive health care is a protected human right affecting women’s right to life equality and freedom from inhumane treatment women’s reproductive rights are human rights that are universal and indivisible governments do not get to pick and choose whose rights and which rights will be respected by requiring annual reporting on women’s access to basic health care like contraception safe abortion and maternal health care around the world congress can make sure the rights of women and girls will no longer be up for grabs in each election in other words women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights period call your members of congress today and ask them to support the reproductive rights are human rights act 202 224 3121 See Other related products: father day and shirt

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