You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt

You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt

Don’t know about you but I thinkdecluttering is kind of boring for thoseof you who think decluttering is awesomeI applaud you good for you WowI don’t think decluttering is excitingso if you think it’s boring like I dothen you’re gonna make it a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt little morefun with some friendly competition andso partner up with someone start outsimple but it gets more difficult as amonth progresses right because day 15you’re getting rid of 15 items day 16 16items oh my good what 17 items we’regonna get rid of tomorrow day 20 it’seven more difficult day 25 now whoevergoes the longest throughout the monthwins if you both make it to the end ofthe month you’ve both won because you’veboth gotten rid of about 500 items andthat’s a really good start and we’ve hadmany people who continue to play beyondthe 30 days or they’ll even start overon day 31 or maybe you just go to day 40it’s 40 items whatever you want to doyou continue to put a dent in that nowyou ask about what are the rules there’sa hangar account there’s a paperclipcount whatever. Fast after that 10 dayjuice fast uh huh like a week or solater and I was like dude you’re crazyand he was just such an example for meof not getting cop into my new showembracing the my news report I mean weall have to check email if that’s partof our life or will hop on social mediabut not getting buried by the minutiaand so he would he would embrace thosethings and and and it’s not that hecompletely issued technology or anythinglike that it was it was the opposite heembraced it he moved on from it hedidn’t let it control his life he let itbe tools in his own life and I learnedso many lessons from him like I saidearly on the first several years firstwhat three years of the website really alot of that was inspired byconversations at you and I had had withhim yeah I would meet at press andDayton Ohio every week and just sitthere in the back and trade stories andand I found I found to be inspirationalbecause we were on the same samewavelength and so I was a pedagogicalrelationship I felt like I was teachinghim and he. Said it’s great to see acouple guys out here spreading Jesus’smessageand I just said a thanks yeah I’m gladyou think that and then and then thenext week we were in Seattle and and andthis woman the small woman came over shegoes I just love to see a couple guysout here spreading these BuddhistMaxim’s yeah and I said thanks a monthlater we got an email from someone whosaid did you know that Muhammad was theoriginal minimalist I said thanks youlet me know that’s greatand so I agree with Ryan I think labelscan be useful everything I mean this isa speaker that is a label right I’msitting on a chair that is a label wedon’t wanna give too much meaning to thelabel though so I also agree that youcan pick whatever ISM works best for youI think sometimes that that radical mayname helps us identify and put put aname on a change that we want to makebut sometimes yeah I can’t be tooaggressive and so you can call itessentialism intentional ISM you canjust call it simple living you can callit simplicity you can call whatever youwant Hot You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Givingup her car saw the benefits of gettingyou know of leaving that huge pain pointof her job and all of a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt sudden thatmoved her to yes let’s go down to onecar now the car that she had it was alike a Chevy HHR like not a super youknow nice car but it was a nice right Imean much nicer than my 2004 ToyotaCorolla I think it was like a 2010 or2012 something like that but it had ayou know you know sunroof that didn’tleak it had um heated pleather see yesit did have heated seats but it wasawesome so like there’s all these likeluxuryyou know amenities amenities am I sayingthat right yes I had all these amenitiesthat that she really enjoyed howeveronce we were able to find a goal thatthat that equalled more pleasure thanthe pleasure of her car she was able tokind of turn that corner so findsomething that you that y’all haven’t incommon if it whether it’s you know bigtime vacation or whether it’s you knowtraveling the world for a year orwhatever it may be just find somethingtry to find something that you both canwork towards. Just think of getting ridof all of our stuff or we think aboutminimalist architecture or minimalistliterature minimalist artwork minimalistmusic and and those are all appropriateassociations when you think aboutminimalism but but really what we wantto talk about is minimalism as a lifestyle and so I’ll ask this question howmight your life be better with less andso when you’re talking about how do Iget started with minimalism that’s alsohow you get started with minimalism youask yourself that question how my lifebe better with less now why I asked thatquestion in the first place well we wantto ask that question because we want toidentify what the benefits of minimalismidentify what the benefits of minimalismare we all understand the how to side ofthings right you know how to declutteryour closet you’ll never see me and Ryanright the four hundred and thirteen tipson how to remove the clutter from yourkitchen cabinets because everyone knowsthe hell to side of things at least forthe most part now somehow two littletips. You drove a van and the even theCanadians were looking See Other related products: Wolf and shirt You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt Don’t know about you but I thinkdecluttering is kind of boring for thoseof you who think decluttering is awesomeI applaud you good for you WowI don’t think decluttering is excitingso if you think it’s boring like I dothen you’re gonna make it a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt little morefun with some friendly competition andso partner up with someone start outsimple but it gets more difficult as amonth progresses right because day 15you’re getting rid of 15 items day 16 16items oh my good what 17 items we’regonna get rid of tomorrow day 20 it’seven more difficult day 25 now whoevergoes the longest throughout the monthwins if you both make it to the end ofthe month you’ve both won because you’veboth gotten rid of about 500 items andthat’s a really good start and we’ve hadmany people who continue to play beyondthe 30 days or they’ll even start overon day 31 or maybe you just go to day 40it’s 40 items whatever you want to doyou continue to put a dent in that nowyou ask about what are the rules there’sa hangar account there’s a paperclipcount whatever. Fast after that 10 dayjuice fast uh huh like a week or solater and I was like dude you’re crazyand he was just such an example for meof not getting cop into my new showembracing the my news report I mean weall have to check email if that’s partof our life or will hop on social mediabut not getting buried by the minutiaand so he would he would embrace thosethings and and and it’s not that hecompletely issued technology or anythinglike that it was it was the opposite heembraced it he moved on from it hedidn’t let it control his life he let itbe tools in his own life and I learnedso many lessons from him like I saidearly on the first several years firstwhat three years of the website really alot of that was inspired byconversations at you and I had had withhim yeah I would meet at press andDayton Ohio every week and just sitthere in the back and trade stories andand I found I found to be inspirationalbecause we were on the same samewavelength and so I was a pedagogicalrelationship I felt like I was teachinghim and he. Said it’s great to see acouple guys out here spreading Jesus’smessageand I just said a thanks yeah I’m gladyou think that and then and then thenext week we were in Seattle and and andthis woman the small woman came over shegoes I just love to see a couple guysout here spreading these BuddhistMaxim’s yeah and I said thanks a monthlater we got an email from someone whosaid did you know that Muhammad was theoriginal minimalist I said thanks youlet me know that’s greatand so I agree with Ryan I think labelscan be useful everything I mean this isa speaker that is a label right I’msitting on a chair that is a label wedon’t wanna give too much meaning to thelabel though so I also agree that youcan pick whatever ISM works best for youI think sometimes that that radical mayname helps us identify and put put aname on a change that we want to makebut sometimes yeah I can’t be tooaggressive and so you can call itessentialism intentional ISM you canjust call it simple living you can callit simplicity you can call whatever youwant Hot You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Givingup her car saw the benefits of gettingyou know of leaving that huge pain pointof her job and all of a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt sudden thatmoved her to yes let’s go down to onecar now the car that she had it was alike a Chevy HHR like not a super youknow nice car but it was a nice right Imean much nicer than my 2004 ToyotaCorolla I think it was like a 2010 or2012 something like that but it had ayou know you know sunroof that didn’tleak it had um heated pleather see yesit did have heated seats but it wasawesome so like there’s all these likeluxuryyou know amenities amenities am I sayingthat right yes I had all these amenitiesthat that she really enjoyed howeveronce we were able to find a goal thatthat that equalled more pleasure thanthe pleasure of her car she was able tokind of turn that corner so findsomething that you that y’all haven’t incommon if it whether it’s you know bigtime vacation or whether it’s you knowtraveling the world for a year orwhatever it may be just find somethingtry to find something that you both canwork towards. Just think of getting ridof all of our stuff or we think aboutminimalist architecture or minimalistliterature minimalist artwork minimalistmusic and and those are all appropriateassociations when you think aboutminimalism but but really what we wantto talk about is minimalism as a lifestyle and so I’ll ask this question howmight your life be better with less andso when you’re talking about how do Iget started with minimalism that’s alsohow you get started with minimalism youask yourself that question how my lifebe better with less now why I asked thatquestion in the first place well we wantto ask that question because we want toidentify what the benefits of minimalismidentify what the benefits of minimalismare we all understand the how to side ofthings right you know how to declutteryour closet you’ll never see me and Ryanright the four hundred and thirteen tipson how to remove the clutter from yourkitchen cabinets because everyone knowsthe hell to side of things at least forthe most part now somehow two littletips. You drove a van and the even theCanadians were looking See Other related products: Wolf and shirt

You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt - from 1

You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt - from 1

Don’t know about you but I thinkdecluttering is kind of boring for thoseof you who think decluttering is awesomeI applaud you good for you WowI don’t think decluttering is excitingso if you think it’s boring like I dothen you’re gonna make it a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt little morefun with some friendly competition andso partner up with someone start outsimple but it gets more difficult as amonth progresses right because day 15you’re getting rid of 15 items day 16 16items oh my good what 17 items we’regonna get rid of tomorrow day 20 it’seven more difficult day 25 now whoevergoes the longest throughout the monthwins if you both make it to the end ofthe month you’ve both won because you’veboth gotten rid of about 500 items andthat’s a really good start and we’ve hadmany people who continue to play beyondthe 30 days or they’ll even start overon day 31 or maybe you just go to day 40it’s 40 items whatever you want to doyou continue to put a dent in that nowyou ask about what are the rules there’sa hangar account there’s a paperclipcount whatever. Fast after that 10 dayjuice fast uh huh like a week or solater and I was like dude you’re crazyand he was just such an example for meof not getting cop into my new showembracing the my news report I mean weall have to check email if that’s partof our life or will hop on social mediabut not getting buried by the minutiaand so he would he would embrace thosethings and and and it’s not that hecompletely issued technology or anythinglike that it was it was the opposite heembraced it he moved on from it hedidn’t let it control his life he let itbe tools in his own life and I learnedso many lessons from him like I saidearly on the first several years firstwhat three years of the website really alot of that was inspired byconversations at you and I had had withhim yeah I would meet at press andDayton Ohio every week and just sitthere in the back and trade stories andand I found I found to be inspirationalbecause we were on the same samewavelength and so I was a pedagogicalrelationship I felt like I was teachinghim and he. Said it’s great to see acouple guys out here spreading Jesus’smessageand I just said a thanks yeah I’m gladyou think that and then and then thenext week we were in Seattle and and andthis woman the small woman came over shegoes I just love to see a couple guysout here spreading these BuddhistMaxim’s yeah and I said thanks a monthlater we got an email from someone whosaid did you know that Muhammad was theoriginal minimalist I said thanks youlet me know that’s greatand so I agree with Ryan I think labelscan be useful everything I mean this isa speaker that is a label right I’msitting on a chair that is a label wedon’t wanna give too much meaning to thelabel though so I also agree that youcan pick whatever ISM works best for youI think sometimes that that radical mayname helps us identify and put put aname on a change that we want to makebut sometimes yeah I can’t be tooaggressive and so you can call itessentialism intentional ISM you canjust call it simple living you can callit simplicity you can call whatever youwant Hot You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Givingup her car saw the benefits of gettingyou know of leaving that huge pain pointof her job and all of a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt sudden thatmoved her to yes let’s go down to onecar now the car that she had it was alike a Chevy HHR like not a super youknow nice car but it was a nice right Imean much nicer than my 2004 ToyotaCorolla I think it was like a 2010 or2012 something like that but it had ayou know you know sunroof that didn’tleak it had um heated pleather see yesit did have heated seats but it wasawesome so like there’s all these likeluxuryyou know amenities amenities am I sayingthat right yes I had all these amenitiesthat that she really enjoyed howeveronce we were able to find a goal thatthat that equalled more pleasure thanthe pleasure of her car she was able tokind of turn that corner so findsomething that you that y’all haven’t incommon if it whether it’s you know bigtime vacation or whether it’s you knowtraveling the world for a year orwhatever it may be just find somethingtry to find something that you both canwork towards. Just think of getting ridof all of our stuff or we think aboutminimalist architecture or minimalistliterature minimalist artwork minimalistmusic and and those are all appropriateassociations when you think aboutminimalism but but really what we wantto talk about is minimalism as a lifestyle and so I’ll ask this question howmight your life be better with less andso when you’re talking about how do Iget started with minimalism that’s alsohow you get started with minimalism youask yourself that question how my lifebe better with less now why I asked thatquestion in the first place well we wantto ask that question because we want toidentify what the benefits of minimalismidentify what the benefits of minimalismare we all understand the how to side ofthings right you know how to declutteryour closet you’ll never see me and Ryanright the four hundred and thirteen tipson how to remove the clutter from yourkitchen cabinets because everyone knowsthe hell to side of things at least forthe most part now somehow two littletips. You drove a van and the even theCanadians were looking See Other related products: Wolf and shirt You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt Don’t know about you but I thinkdecluttering is kind of boring for thoseof you who think decluttering is awesomeI applaud you good for you WowI don’t think decluttering is excitingso if you think it’s boring like I dothen you’re gonna make it a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt little morefun with some friendly competition andso partner up with someone start outsimple but it gets more difficult as amonth progresses right because day 15you’re getting rid of 15 items day 16 16items oh my good what 17 items we’regonna get rid of tomorrow day 20 it’seven more difficult day 25 now whoevergoes the longest throughout the monthwins if you both make it to the end ofthe month you’ve both won because you’veboth gotten rid of about 500 items andthat’s a really good start and we’ve hadmany people who continue to play beyondthe 30 days or they’ll even start overon day 31 or maybe you just go to day 40it’s 40 items whatever you want to doyou continue to put a dent in that nowyou ask about what are the rules there’sa hangar account there’s a paperclipcount whatever. Fast after that 10 dayjuice fast uh huh like a week or solater and I was like dude you’re crazyand he was just such an example for meof not getting cop into my new showembracing the my news report I mean weall have to check email if that’s partof our life or will hop on social mediabut not getting buried by the minutiaand so he would he would embrace thosethings and and and it’s not that hecompletely issued technology or anythinglike that it was it was the opposite heembraced it he moved on from it hedidn’t let it control his life he let itbe tools in his own life and I learnedso many lessons from him like I saidearly on the first several years firstwhat three years of the website really alot of that was inspired byconversations at you and I had had withhim yeah I would meet at press andDayton Ohio every week and just sitthere in the back and trade stories andand I found I found to be inspirationalbecause we were on the same samewavelength and so I was a pedagogicalrelationship I felt like I was teachinghim and he. Said it’s great to see acouple guys out here spreading Jesus’smessageand I just said a thanks yeah I’m gladyou think that and then and then thenext week we were in Seattle and and andthis woman the small woman came over shegoes I just love to see a couple guysout here spreading these BuddhistMaxim’s yeah and I said thanks a monthlater we got an email from someone whosaid did you know that Muhammad was theoriginal minimalist I said thanks youlet me know that’s greatand so I agree with Ryan I think labelscan be useful everything I mean this isa speaker that is a label right I’msitting on a chair that is a label wedon’t wanna give too much meaning to thelabel though so I also agree that youcan pick whatever ISM works best for youI think sometimes that that radical mayname helps us identify and put put aname on a change that we want to makebut sometimes yeah I can’t be tooaggressive and so you can call itessentialism intentional ISM you canjust call it simple living you can callit simplicity you can call whatever youwant Hot You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Givingup her car saw the benefits of gettingyou know of leaving that huge pain pointof her job and all of a You Are Gonna Love Music After You Meet Me I'm Warning You Vintage Retro T-Shirt sudden thatmoved her to yes let’s go down to onecar now the car that she had it was alike a Chevy HHR like not a super youknow nice car but it was a nice right Imean much nicer than my 2004 ToyotaCorolla I think it was like a 2010 or2012 something like that but it had ayou know you know sunroof that didn’tleak it had um heated pleather see yesit did have heated seats but it wasawesome so like there’s all these likeluxuryyou know amenities amenities am I sayingthat right yes I had all these amenitiesthat that she really enjoyed howeveronce we were able to find a goal thatthat that equalled more pleasure thanthe pleasure of her car she was able tokind of turn that corner so findsomething that you that y’all haven’t incommon if it whether it’s you know bigtime vacation or whether it’s you knowtraveling the world for a year orwhatever it may be just find somethingtry to find something that you both canwork towards. Just think of getting ridof all of our stuff or we think aboutminimalist architecture or minimalistliterature minimalist artwork minimalistmusic and and those are all appropriateassociations when you think aboutminimalism but but really what we wantto talk about is minimalism as a lifestyle and so I’ll ask this question howmight your life be better with less andso when you’re talking about how do Iget started with minimalism that’s alsohow you get started with minimalism youask yourself that question how my lifebe better with less now why I asked thatquestion in the first place well we wantto ask that question because we want toidentify what the benefits of minimalismidentify what the benefits of minimalismare we all understand the how to side ofthings right you know how to declutteryour closet you’ll never see me and Ryanright the four hundred and thirteen tipson how to remove the clutter from yourkitchen cabinets because everyone knowsthe hell to side of things at least forthe most part now somehow two littletips. You drove a van and the even theCanadians were looking See Other related products: Wolf and shirt

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