Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White

Line 1 the meta moments in the finale was like ask me again in 10 years you were able to ask ourselves back immigrants in 10 yearsand for the rest of our livesand do something a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White lot about Onanand the moments when she talks to Brandon in the blockand again is the first book about stories one of her great lines as stories wait the Lordand when you come back to them why they are is always be there for usand that’s incredible what little bit about the cultural impact of the show outside of just what it meant to us personallyand I’m sure everybody who’s a huge fan of the show has their own story of what came of ferns meant to them but you know watching the trajectory of the show going from something that was me on obvious if you guys it was something you clearly were anticipatingand excited to watch because show is coming in everything but I just revert remember like game of thrones as part of like a Sunday night of TV that I would watch with like girls or madman or whatever that moment when it kind of flipped over into being this thing all consuming Super Bowl every Sunday kind of thing when you guys think Jason started with you like the cultural impact of is good to be going for not necessarily as like a story about what it means for like pop culture in general I think that well guiding you just to see on different platforms hunting for your scene that already know what with Lord of the rings coming out is looking for that next what that next potential monoculture hit isand in that respect game thrones really came out of nowhereand it was on it was on the bestseller list before it was ever a TV show but even then people really heard of it it it wasn’t a book that you knew about it unless you knew somebody who liked fantasy stuffand then when they would try to pitch it to you if you were someone who liked fantasy stuff you probably wouldn’t want to try it because you think a Lord of the ringsand fairies in Encino horses like that but so I think that their party impact is going to be this mining of different parts of fiction for that next hit because no one don’t think anybody would’ve expected game of thrones to do this so where’s the next one is out there somewhere is in comic books is a literature is it like you know where isand were there things specifically about thrones the unexpected subversion of of you know the thought like the certainties archetypal image that you expect from these kind stories the idea that the hero is in the hero or that you know this this couple your shipping are actually doomed or whatever that lengthand siblings you often find I know these other stories were limited right people are looking around for what’s the next thrones but there’s a bunch of her unique characteristics of thrones I don’t know if it’s really easy to replicate me when Jordan initially created the story his goal in part was to make something I can doand will also have interest in that aspect of actually how well stories are not finished you the thought about in the world of adaptations because obviously this was an in every tracking of the critical divide in season eight almost aside in a historic astonishing successand so maybe for developers it won’t because the show worked in was a thrill for peopleand is now respondent’s entire new generation of an expanding universe in the known world will keep getting stories forever is a mouse say I am interested in now these chronicles a great example actually write my duties my duties stuck to the is not is an big King crew King killer chronicles which numerous people are always like you can’t clear gray college Vandenberg read the first one it’s good but it’s like this one listings were like how emotionally invested can I get in another series that I just don’t know if this okay did that that cannot be made that the limit will marry SCS that’s an interesting point the idea of whether or not you want these things to have an endpoint dispatcher office have a football team that he zips us with no word on how he feels about the giant email John is email this is something that is even specific to the genre the wheel of Time series needlessly spanning 10 books was not finished by the original author Robert Jordan Yahoo expired think around the seventh book was finished by greatest so like this you know the these when you build a world the world tends to expand expands it tends to expand past the limits of what you thought you were going to write is on the watch but you I had a quick chat in your office where I was like oh so I have had to do on thrones to kind of what how much space would they need to get to the endpoint that would’ve felt satisfactory but they would what would the road look likeand she started user like sort of listing off a couple of things that needed to happenand as we were in the conversation I think we realize that like five more seasons I think I prefaced by saying we just needed a foreign like you just described an extra 5 feet yet television but your questions are since we talked about box were talking about how different people access a story like a verbal contract or anything just curious as to where the books are you reading books I do now that I ever have been there we gal behind the green is you know the amount of stuff that like the research that goes into kind of like making the show over the course the last couple of seasons but especially the end I was like why there is a bunch of people in here that I’m really interested to know what actually happened to them rather than just the version that I gotand so maybe at some point when I’m on for I love user as you can you could be a book reader you could be a show watcher as Maisie Williams said after the finale you can just be there for the means that’s that’s fine too but is now alluding to Jason Gallagher ran one of the most interesting offscreen narrative storylines about game of thrones is this relationship between the show in the books now it’s awesome it’s been of divisiveand also very interesting conversation starter among the fandomand then there’s been a lease what we can conclude from like the sources are like the information at hand interesting schism between George RR Martinand the television show not in terms of like not liking or liking it but George they clips George’s books George’s got off to us a lot of time since the last but so Jason is asking what happens when GR RM publishes those final books I’d I am unable to actually how long it’s been I am unable to access my creative part of my brainand put together a scenario where that has come out so he recently wrote a gas hose that was like if I don’t have this 20 ready by one con 2020 was put me in the Santos secret Garden you in been above the lake of sulfuric acidand let me out it’s like well was in the cabins been booked for five years showed upand you refuse to cabin as I think he does publish when there was a signal there is us you know we can argue that how many pages he’s had but he’s had material for that is released a number of sample chapters for that book so there’s stuff writtenand he can get there on juice for I think when you do the math on the gaps between each book writer been growingand growing growing I don’t know if we get that one I’m always I love to talk about this so after feast of crows where these so feast dance before you could it was to was a piece of buying it is one books resplendent by geography essentiallyand so does a lot of characters are not in the bookand so he put a little note at the end of feces has made it so you may be saying he is most we hardly saw John Snow that can’t be all thatand he goes to explain what happened in a Danny says Terryand John anything else hundred dollars you with all the rest of the characters you love love to hate will be along next year I devoutly hope print that a call in the dance of dragons which will focus on events along the wall across the seat just as the present book focused on King’s Landing George R Martin June 2005 book came out in 2010 sick so took the just seem to only send my way over is still in the book would like to that there is a possibility that this is going to be viewed as the definitive ending of the story there is a possibility that the case that the show’s ending is that is what most people think the ending of the story is two answers to one is that that is certainly a massive part of why the season was located in the fashion that is because people are realisticand pragmaticand know that might be trueand so if it didn’t live up to your standard there’s a little voice in your head even if you believe you’re getting books one day that says this might be yet you I also think that for so I do believe in Georgeand like to think that with every Sam Darnall touchdown he’s not extra chapters there’s a growing matter what so of course many people I think with that would’ve rather had winds of winter that fire blood but fire blows all fire is really cool we get new informationand lots of points of the raunchy trying to goblet have to the fact that in the dance taking as a world building exercise its stands among the bestand that’s if you look at it through that lens it’s an incredible achievement I think George’s particular writing styleand the way he structured the books can work against him as he goes onand I think that’s part of what makes this so difficult he’s not like he’s not like JK rolling worship you like have some rather neighborly okay here’s each chapter here the themes here’s what each characters doing here’s where they’re going all the way around Jesus like I was glad were discounted you know you using twitter thread about how far you it was accurate who did it but it was essentially like it was can there’s like two different kinds of writersand ones like a gardener a taxiand died it was basically like he’s a gardener easily planning CDC what grows he tending to stuff you let a harvest happened he’s going out thereand by the very nature of how expensive it was to make this thing to have sex in different countries to be a on some kind of schedule any voice were were bound by different rulesand Georgeand they had to do different thingsand they had to make certain choices that he doesn’t have to make maybe it’s it’s a great point because I think you are just as we just as Georges the fourthand fifth books early crumbled under the weight just needed to be found in the story is so expansive that it is naturally pushes up against real world concerns about how to adapt produce display this story it’s just so bigand George famously worked for years on a five year time jump because you somewhat now each characters upand see where they’re going to works he was trying it didn’t work so there’s just in talked with any of the whites working multiple multiple countries with many actors with various directors it’s like if you if something goes wrong how hard is it to correct it have you missed canceling how hard is that to fix I like I I can’t even begin to figure how complex those problems you are a little skeptical is talking a second time you like objectively true it’s also close to objectively trueand you talk the watch this week that it’s it’s almost just two different television shows you unites will sell the device when they went past the books that’s that’s not totally true exes is beyond the booksand is quite successful season 78 felt like when they began to back map against the conclusion they knew they needed toand into your point they knew is reaching reached by undeniably the effect on me very essence of the show in addition to the actual level of luxuriating in a certain plot detailing IT brain is a legislatively variable we travel more than a season between macerator saying he was going to fire him actually doing what fire we to scenes with Danny after she burnt Kingsland before she was example is that in on the finale we all of a sudden discovered the technique of using no facial hair to mark the passage of time is something that would’ve been really great present beards for the first three episodes of the season especially with Circe being pregnant appeared to mention your your dude appeared to subpoenaed love the PRD was great to finally see like slouching the entire meeting I my God credible POD guide it certainly feels like especially with how authoritative the ending was whether or not you know agree with what was built up at the way they presented was very authoritative I think clearly they were like okay here’s the things that need to happen how do we make those things happen at this point that being said people still have questions people still are curious about some aspects of the story so while we go to our small councils asked the ministers section here we have some questions for you viewersand last year With ISA who asks the three Raven have an abnormal lifeand see or easier normal human being I expect could be theoretically rule on iron throne for generations accurately I mean so bring rivers three Raven was like hundredand 28 so I at the same time he was ensconced in a hill connected to the where Wood roots being fed hallucinogenic paced by other children of the forest in one’s life brand obviously is going to be having to deal with the governance of around this can be much more to me like when he’s not being light was a dragon play video is certainly is possible that becoming the three Raven extends your life though I think we shouldn’t discount the fact that in a blood ravens had almost become a figure of pure consciousness towards the end of his life his physical body was not like doing stuff as possible to bounce the semi popular Twitter theory that brand is the blood Raven like age Life to life for that different in my jumped into brands consciousnessand is like organize this entire thing they’ll be really interesting imagine if any of that was hinted at in the show on that out as they went out on all was Brandon ran King’s brand every brandand I think they know the final Psalms of the show in some ways modeled the choice destiny equation I do think that in many ways the story is about the importance of trying to make a choiceand I just think that if brand is everyone or other people ransom was controlling you it’s all about this puppeteering especially puppeteering that Jesus was in the shadowsand we can’t see that it completely negates the value of agency agencies sorry sorry but slightly eroded by the fact that brand can see the futureand clearly didn’t know he was can become kingand clearly did manipulative to a certain way in order to have this outcome Café clearly is like it when you think I came down here because I knew you were going to correlate me the only I know Corey Williams was on the like that was that was tough like to all lawsand seven were signed the was calling I was on the right for hardly calling out John in front of all the hasslesand after I talk about this exactly Do this on office group chat okay Max asks the John Doe school why do we need a nice wash the Nikon King is goneand so what we think are the white walkers there is peace with the wild things why do we need people at Castle black to guard the realms of that government spending now I think is that if we question one that John asks himself yeah I think if you look at the history of West Roe’s the Northand the wild links have allied various times throughout history to fight the warden came to fight the book version of the night came to do various things to fight like these two weird brothers who in the caves under the wall so alliances have happenedand then what is occurred in the three years is that state of antagonism has reappeared as people die often forget what happened you so people will die often forget what happened with different now is the wall is breached there’s a huge hole in it so there can be this free movement of people I would imagine that the night’s watch nowand he got those borders I think it’s important it is really cooland I honestly was been this would’ve been enough is if they had added on to the relevance of that us that a prison sentence or compromise but if they just added in theirand maybe go find out what like where the making KM on what happened with that whether there they like to make sure this never ever comes that was actually a great quest for John it would have a lot of like weird little cool parallels between the Starksand I came to resent angry I also think that some part like there’s a reading of this where John leading the free folk back to their lands is is something that will help the stability of the realm I mean the these are people that you Northerners still feel really sore about filings coming into their landsand you know these are people that were raidingand killing citizens of the North for a while so Charlieand figuring out how to lead them to create like a self sustaining nonreading kind of culture would can only help peaceand stability around you. In a the so that the data be his running mate is no see you know. Glenn how are you doing I’m doing pretty well as well as can be expected you know I I’m sure that there are words of George Floyd I can’t breathe or not new to you and actually your mind every single day six years ago her son died we can’t let this keep happening what you think the next thing we have to do well first of all a genocidal we settled and we have to go to the politicians we have to hope that the because otherwise the big is not going to so is asking that you become the president that you make sure that we national is a Constable of has been a old well I maybe can myself I think people are ready the people are ready we just got a key pushing we can’t let up thank you what you doing Hot Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 8 million decided to but this is a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White significant watermark for VMC or for notaries because now I have a number to shoot forth with all their subsequent movies now we know the movielikeand then the wasp is getting hit 2 billion worldwide what does this do for the future. Less manpower tractors are just one piece of the pride out there also robot take care things like fertilizing irrigation in DJI for his monster on the counter in design to carry a 16 m payload of everyone pesticides and herbicides for letters whatever and autonomously dispense it over your crops now if robots are drifting down worried there are actually plenty of ground based front ending robots to like this one from California startup farm wise thing across the field and uses artificial intelligence and a bunch of different sensors analyze this is an ABC news special report report George Stephanopoulos Democratic race for the White House for the first time Joe Biden Harris at the scene in Delaware today once rivals always friends now running minutes in this race for the White House in 2020 the scene they are in doubt will not be the typical has been for a vice presidential candidate came out of her social media and email yesterday socially in Delaware today Joe Biden spent most of his time during this campaign. A LOT OF THOSE JOBS ARE A LOT LESS A LOT OF THE RESTAURANT JOBS ARE SO YES THERE’S BEEN A HUGE GAP IN WAS THE MOST IS EIGHT WHEN HE WAS ON FOR INSTANCE RIGHT BUT I DIDN’T SO 2008 THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE EVERYBODY DIDN’T LOSE IN THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE BECAUSE THERE WERE A LOT OF OFFICE WORKERS AND HIGH END PEOPLE READING THIS ARTICLE’S LOST JOBS BUT IN THIS CASE IT’S VERY MUCH THE PEOPLE ON LOWERING THE SOCIOECONOMICS SPECTER THE LOSS OF JOBS FIRST SO THAT MAKES US FOR THE GUILFORD TELLS ME BEFORE WE WATCH THE MORE THIS VIDEO WANT TO BRING UP AMAZON IS DOING SOMETHING INGENIOUS LIKE BARRY HAD THIS IDEA BEFORE COBIT BUT I KNOW I SEE THEM MOVING THIS IDEA EVEN FURTHER FORWARD WE HAVE WE ARE WORKING GROCERY STORES IN THE SEATTLE AREA HAD IT SET UP IN LIKE THREE OTHER CITIES WHERE YOU HAVE TO COME IN CONTACT WITH ANOTHER PERSON WHEN YOU WALK IN YOU SCAN YOUR PHONE AND THEN THE REST See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White Line 1 the meta moments in the finale was like ask me again in 10 years you were able to ask ourselves back immigrants in 10 yearsand for the rest of our livesand do something a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White lot about Onanand the moments when she talks to Brandon in the blockand again is the first book about stories one of her great lines as stories wait the Lordand when you come back to them why they are is always be there for usand that’s incredible what little bit about the cultural impact of the show outside of just what it meant to us personallyand I’m sure everybody who’s a huge fan of the show has their own story of what came of ferns meant to them but you know watching the trajectory of the show going from something that was me on obvious if you guys it was something you clearly were anticipatingand excited to watch because show is coming in everything but I just revert remember like game of thrones as part of like a Sunday night of TV that I would watch with like girls or madman or whatever that moment when it kind of flipped over into being this thing all consuming Super Bowl every Sunday kind of thing when you guys think Jason started with you like the cultural impact of is good to be going for not necessarily as like a story about what it means for like pop culture in general I think that well guiding you just to see on different platforms hunting for your scene that already know what with Lord of the rings coming out is looking for that next what that next potential monoculture hit isand in that respect game thrones really came out of nowhereand it was on it was on the bestseller list before it was ever a TV show but even then people really heard of it it it wasn’t a book that you knew about it unless you knew somebody who liked fantasy stuffand then when they would try to pitch it to you if you were someone who liked fantasy stuff you probably wouldn’t want to try it because you think a Lord of the ringsand fairies in Encino horses like that but so I think that their party impact is going to be this mining of different parts of fiction for that next hit because no one don’t think anybody would’ve expected game of thrones to do this so where’s the next one is out there somewhere is in comic books is a literature is it like you know where isand were there things specifically about thrones the unexpected subversion of of you know the thought like the certainties archetypal image that you expect from these kind stories the idea that the hero is in the hero or that you know this this couple your shipping are actually doomed or whatever that lengthand siblings you often find I know these other stories were limited right people are looking around for what’s the next thrones but there’s a bunch of her unique characteristics of thrones I don’t know if it’s really easy to replicate me when Jordan initially created the story his goal in part was to make something I can doand will also have interest in that aspect of actually how well stories are not finished you the thought about in the world of adaptations because obviously this was an in every tracking of the critical divide in season eight almost aside in a historic astonishing successand so maybe for developers it won’t because the show worked in was a thrill for peopleand is now respondent’s entire new generation of an expanding universe in the known world will keep getting stories forever is a mouse say I am interested in now these chronicles a great example actually write my duties my duties stuck to the is not is an big King crew King killer chronicles which numerous people are always like you can’t clear gray college Vandenberg read the first one it’s good but it’s like this one listings were like how emotionally invested can I get in another series that I just don’t know if this okay did that that cannot be made that the limit will marry SCS that’s an interesting point the idea of whether or not you want these things to have an endpoint dispatcher office have a football team that he zips us with no word on how he feels about the giant email John is email this is something that is even specific to the genre the wheel of Time series needlessly spanning 10 books was not finished by the original author Robert Jordan Yahoo expired think around the seventh book was finished by greatest so like this you know the these when you build a world the world tends to expand expands it tends to expand past the limits of what you thought you were going to write is on the watch but you I had a quick chat in your office where I was like oh so I have had to do on thrones to kind of what how much space would they need to get to the endpoint that would’ve felt satisfactory but they would what would the road look likeand she started user like sort of listing off a couple of things that needed to happenand as we were in the conversation I think we realize that like five more seasons I think I prefaced by saying we just needed a foreign like you just described an extra 5 feet yet television but your questions are since we talked about box were talking about how different people access a story like a verbal contract or anything just curious as to where the books are you reading books I do now that I ever have been there we gal behind the green is you know the amount of stuff that like the research that goes into kind of like making the show over the course the last couple of seasons but especially the end I was like why there is a bunch of people in here that I’m really interested to know what actually happened to them rather than just the version that I gotand so maybe at some point when I’m on for I love user as you can you could be a book reader you could be a show watcher as Maisie Williams said after the finale you can just be there for the means that’s that’s fine too but is now alluding to Jason Gallagher ran one of the most interesting offscreen narrative storylines about game of thrones is this relationship between the show in the books now it’s awesome it’s been of divisiveand also very interesting conversation starter among the fandomand then there’s been a lease what we can conclude from like the sources are like the information at hand interesting schism between George RR Martinand the television show not in terms of like not liking or liking it but George they clips George’s books George’s got off to us a lot of time since the last but so Jason is asking what happens when GR RM publishes those final books I’d I am unable to actually how long it’s been I am unable to access my creative part of my brainand put together a scenario where that has come out so he recently wrote a gas hose that was like if I don’t have this 20 ready by one con 2020 was put me in the Santos secret Garden you in been above the lake of sulfuric acidand let me out it’s like well was in the cabins been booked for five years showed upand you refuse to cabin as I think he does publish when there was a signal there is us you know we can argue that how many pages he’s had but he’s had material for that is released a number of sample chapters for that book so there’s stuff writtenand he can get there on juice for I think when you do the math on the gaps between each book writer been growingand growing growing I don’t know if we get that one I’m always I love to talk about this so after feast of crows where these so feast dance before you could it was to was a piece of buying it is one books resplendent by geography essentiallyand so does a lot of characters are not in the bookand so he put a little note at the end of feces has made it so you may be saying he is most we hardly saw John Snow that can’t be all thatand he goes to explain what happened in a Danny says Terryand John anything else hundred dollars you with all the rest of the characters you love love to hate will be along next year I devoutly hope print that a call in the dance of dragons which will focus on events along the wall across the seat just as the present book focused on King’s Landing George R Martin June 2005 book came out in 2010 sick so took the just seem to only send my way over is still in the book would like to that there is a possibility that this is going to be viewed as the definitive ending of the story there is a possibility that the case that the show’s ending is that is what most people think the ending of the story is two answers to one is that that is certainly a massive part of why the season was located in the fashion that is because people are realisticand pragmaticand know that might be trueand so if it didn’t live up to your standard there’s a little voice in your head even if you believe you’re getting books one day that says this might be yet you I also think that for so I do believe in Georgeand like to think that with every Sam Darnall touchdown he’s not extra chapters there’s a growing matter what so of course many people I think with that would’ve rather had winds of winter that fire blood but fire blows all fire is really cool we get new informationand lots of points of the raunchy trying to goblet have to the fact that in the dance taking as a world building exercise its stands among the bestand that’s if you look at it through that lens it’s an incredible achievement I think George’s particular writing styleand the way he structured the books can work against him as he goes onand I think that’s part of what makes this so difficult he’s not like he’s not like JK rolling worship you like have some rather neighborly okay here’s each chapter here the themes here’s what each characters doing here’s where they’re going all the way around Jesus like I was glad were discounted you know you using twitter thread about how far you it was accurate who did it but it was essentially like it was can there’s like two different kinds of writersand ones like a gardener a taxiand died it was basically like he’s a gardener easily planning CDC what grows he tending to stuff you let a harvest happened he’s going out thereand by the very nature of how expensive it was to make this thing to have sex in different countries to be a on some kind of schedule any voice were were bound by different rulesand Georgeand they had to do different thingsand they had to make certain choices that he doesn’t have to make maybe it’s it’s a great point because I think you are just as we just as Georges the fourthand fifth books early crumbled under the weight just needed to be found in the story is so expansive that it is naturally pushes up against real world concerns about how to adapt produce display this story it’s just so bigand George famously worked for years on a five year time jump because you somewhat now each characters upand see where they’re going to works he was trying it didn’t work so there’s just in talked with any of the whites working multiple multiple countries with many actors with various directors it’s like if you if something goes wrong how hard is it to correct it have you missed canceling how hard is that to fix I like I I can’t even begin to figure how complex those problems you are a little skeptical is talking a second time you like objectively true it’s also close to objectively trueand you talk the watch this week that it’s it’s almost just two different television shows you unites will sell the device when they went past the books that’s that’s not totally true exes is beyond the booksand is quite successful season 78 felt like when they began to back map against the conclusion they knew they needed toand into your point they knew is reaching reached by undeniably the effect on me very essence of the show in addition to the actual level of luxuriating in a certain plot detailing IT brain is a legislatively variable we travel more than a season between macerator saying he was going to fire him actually doing what fire we to scenes with Danny after she burnt Kingsland before she was example is that in on the finale we all of a sudden discovered the technique of using no facial hair to mark the passage of time is something that would’ve been really great present beards for the first three episodes of the season especially with Circe being pregnant appeared to mention your your dude appeared to subpoenaed love the PRD was great to finally see like slouching the entire meeting I my God credible POD guide it certainly feels like especially with how authoritative the ending was whether or not you know agree with what was built up at the way they presented was very authoritative I think clearly they were like okay here’s the things that need to happen how do we make those things happen at this point that being said people still have questions people still are curious about some aspects of the story so while we go to our small councils asked the ministers section here we have some questions for you viewersand last year With ISA who asks the three Raven have an abnormal lifeand see or easier normal human being I expect could be theoretically rule on iron throne for generations accurately I mean so bring rivers three Raven was like hundredand 28 so I at the same time he was ensconced in a hill connected to the where Wood roots being fed hallucinogenic paced by other children of the forest in one’s life brand obviously is going to be having to deal with the governance of around this can be much more to me like when he’s not being light was a dragon play video is certainly is possible that becoming the three Raven extends your life though I think we shouldn’t discount the fact that in a blood ravens had almost become a figure of pure consciousness towards the end of his life his physical body was not like doing stuff as possible to bounce the semi popular Twitter theory that brand is the blood Raven like age Life to life for that different in my jumped into brands consciousnessand is like organize this entire thing they’ll be really interesting imagine if any of that was hinted at in the show on that out as they went out on all was Brandon ran King’s brand every brandand I think they know the final Psalms of the show in some ways modeled the choice destiny equation I do think that in many ways the story is about the importance of trying to make a choiceand I just think that if brand is everyone or other people ransom was controlling you it’s all about this puppeteering especially puppeteering that Jesus was in the shadowsand we can’t see that it completely negates the value of agency agencies sorry sorry but slightly eroded by the fact that brand can see the futureand clearly didn’t know he was can become kingand clearly did manipulative to a certain way in order to have this outcome Café clearly is like it when you think I came down here because I knew you were going to correlate me the only I know Corey Williams was on the like that was that was tough like to all lawsand seven were signed the was calling I was on the right for hardly calling out John in front of all the hasslesand after I talk about this exactly Do this on office group chat okay Max asks the John Doe school why do we need a nice wash the Nikon King is goneand so what we think are the white walkers there is peace with the wild things why do we need people at Castle black to guard the realms of that government spending now I think is that if we question one that John asks himself yeah I think if you look at the history of West Roe’s the Northand the wild links have allied various times throughout history to fight the warden came to fight the book version of the night came to do various things to fight like these two weird brothers who in the caves under the wall so alliances have happenedand then what is occurred in the three years is that state of antagonism has reappeared as people die often forget what happened you so people will die often forget what happened with different now is the wall is breached there’s a huge hole in it so there can be this free movement of people I would imagine that the night’s watch nowand he got those borders I think it’s important it is really cooland I honestly was been this would’ve been enough is if they had added on to the relevance of that us that a prison sentence or compromise but if they just added in theirand maybe go find out what like where the making KM on what happened with that whether there they like to make sure this never ever comes that was actually a great quest for John it would have a lot of like weird little cool parallels between the Starksand I came to resent angry I also think that some part like there’s a reading of this where John leading the free folk back to their lands is is something that will help the stability of the realm I mean the these are people that you Northerners still feel really sore about filings coming into their landsand you know these are people that were raidingand killing citizens of the North for a while so Charlieand figuring out how to lead them to create like a self sustaining nonreading kind of culture would can only help peaceand stability around you. In a the so that the data be his running mate is no see you know. Glenn how are you doing I’m doing pretty well as well as can be expected you know I I’m sure that there are words of George Floyd I can’t breathe or not new to you and actually your mind every single day six years ago her son died we can’t let this keep happening what you think the next thing we have to do well first of all a genocidal we settled and we have to go to the politicians we have to hope that the because otherwise the big is not going to so is asking that you become the president that you make sure that we national is a Constable of has been a old well I maybe can myself I think people are ready the people are ready we just got a key pushing we can’t let up thank you what you doing Hot Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 8 million decided to but this is a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White significant watermark for VMC or for notaries because now I have a number to shoot forth with all their subsequent movies now we know the movielikeand then the wasp is getting hit 2 billion worldwide what does this do for the future. Less manpower tractors are just one piece of the pride out there also robot take care things like fertilizing irrigation in DJI for his monster on the counter in design to carry a 16 m payload of everyone pesticides and herbicides for letters whatever and autonomously dispense it over your crops now if robots are drifting down worried there are actually plenty of ground based front ending robots to like this one from California startup farm wise thing across the field and uses artificial intelligence and a bunch of different sensors analyze this is an ABC news special report report George Stephanopoulos Democratic race for the White House for the first time Joe Biden Harris at the scene in Delaware today once rivals always friends now running minutes in this race for the White House in 2020 the scene they are in doubt will not be the typical has been for a vice presidential candidate came out of her social media and email yesterday socially in Delaware today Joe Biden spent most of his time during this campaign. A LOT OF THOSE JOBS ARE A LOT LESS A LOT OF THE RESTAURANT JOBS ARE SO YES THERE’S BEEN A HUGE GAP IN WAS THE MOST IS EIGHT WHEN HE WAS ON FOR INSTANCE RIGHT BUT I DIDN’T SO 2008 THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE EVERYBODY DIDN’T LOSE IN THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE BECAUSE THERE WERE A LOT OF OFFICE WORKERS AND HIGH END PEOPLE READING THIS ARTICLE’S LOST JOBS BUT IN THIS CASE IT’S VERY MUCH THE PEOPLE ON LOWERING THE SOCIOECONOMICS SPECTER THE LOSS OF JOBS FIRST SO THAT MAKES US FOR THE GUILFORD TELLS ME BEFORE WE WATCH THE MORE THIS VIDEO WANT TO BRING UP AMAZON IS DOING SOMETHING INGENIOUS LIKE BARRY HAD THIS IDEA BEFORE COBIT BUT I KNOW I SEE THEM MOVING THIS IDEA EVEN FURTHER FORWARD WE HAVE WE ARE WORKING GROCERY STORES IN THE SEATTLE AREA HAD IT SET UP IN LIKE THREE OTHER CITIES WHERE YOU HAVE TO COME IN CONTACT WITH ANOTHER PERSON WHEN YOU WALK IN YOU SCAN YOUR PHONE AND THEN THE REST See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 1

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 1

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 2

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 2

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 3

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 3

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 4

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White - from 4

Line 1 the meta moments in the finale was like ask me again in 10 years you were able to ask ourselves back immigrants in 10 yearsand for the rest of our livesand do something a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White lot about Onanand the moments when she talks to Brandon in the blockand again is the first book about stories one of her great lines as stories wait the Lordand when you come back to them why they are is always be there for usand that’s incredible what little bit about the cultural impact of the show outside of just what it meant to us personallyand I’m sure everybody who’s a huge fan of the show has their own story of what came of ferns meant to them but you know watching the trajectory of the show going from something that was me on obvious if you guys it was something you clearly were anticipatingand excited to watch because show is coming in everything but I just revert remember like game of thrones as part of like a Sunday night of TV that I would watch with like girls or madman or whatever that moment when it kind of flipped over into being this thing all consuming Super Bowl every Sunday kind of thing when you guys think Jason started with you like the cultural impact of is good to be going for not necessarily as like a story about what it means for like pop culture in general I think that well guiding you just to see on different platforms hunting for your scene that already know what with Lord of the rings coming out is looking for that next what that next potential monoculture hit isand in that respect game thrones really came out of nowhereand it was on it was on the bestseller list before it was ever a TV show but even then people really heard of it it it wasn’t a book that you knew about it unless you knew somebody who liked fantasy stuffand then when they would try to pitch it to you if you were someone who liked fantasy stuff you probably wouldn’t want to try it because you think a Lord of the ringsand fairies in Encino horses like that but so I think that their party impact is going to be this mining of different parts of fiction for that next hit because no one don’t think anybody would’ve expected game of thrones to do this so where’s the next one is out there somewhere is in comic books is a literature is it like you know where isand were there things specifically about thrones the unexpected subversion of of you know the thought like the certainties archetypal image that you expect from these kind stories the idea that the hero is in the hero or that you know this this couple your shipping are actually doomed or whatever that lengthand siblings you often find I know these other stories were limited right people are looking around for what’s the next thrones but there’s a bunch of her unique characteristics of thrones I don’t know if it’s really easy to replicate me when Jordan initially created the story his goal in part was to make something I can doand will also have interest in that aspect of actually how well stories are not finished you the thought about in the world of adaptations because obviously this was an in every tracking of the critical divide in season eight almost aside in a historic astonishing successand so maybe for developers it won’t because the show worked in was a thrill for peopleand is now respondent’s entire new generation of an expanding universe in the known world will keep getting stories forever is a mouse say I am interested in now these chronicles a great example actually write my duties my duties stuck to the is not is an big King crew King killer chronicles which numerous people are always like you can’t clear gray college Vandenberg read the first one it’s good but it’s like this one listings were like how emotionally invested can I get in another series that I just don’t know if this okay did that that cannot be made that the limit will marry SCS that’s an interesting point the idea of whether or not you want these things to have an endpoint dispatcher office have a football team that he zips us with no word on how he feels about the giant email John is email this is something that is even specific to the genre the wheel of Time series needlessly spanning 10 books was not finished by the original author Robert Jordan Yahoo expired think around the seventh book was finished by greatest so like this you know the these when you build a world the world tends to expand expands it tends to expand past the limits of what you thought you were going to write is on the watch but you I had a quick chat in your office where I was like oh so I have had to do on thrones to kind of what how much space would they need to get to the endpoint that would’ve felt satisfactory but they would what would the road look likeand she started user like sort of listing off a couple of things that needed to happenand as we were in the conversation I think we realize that like five more seasons I think I prefaced by saying we just needed a foreign like you just described an extra 5 feet yet television but your questions are since we talked about box were talking about how different people access a story like a verbal contract or anything just curious as to where the books are you reading books I do now that I ever have been there we gal behind the green is you know the amount of stuff that like the research that goes into kind of like making the show over the course the last couple of seasons but especially the end I was like why there is a bunch of people in here that I’m really interested to know what actually happened to them rather than just the version that I gotand so maybe at some point when I’m on for I love user as you can you could be a book reader you could be a show watcher as Maisie Williams said after the finale you can just be there for the means that’s that’s fine too but is now alluding to Jason Gallagher ran one of the most interesting offscreen narrative storylines about game of thrones is this relationship between the show in the books now it’s awesome it’s been of divisiveand also very interesting conversation starter among the fandomand then there’s been a lease what we can conclude from like the sources are like the information at hand interesting schism between George RR Martinand the television show not in terms of like not liking or liking it but George they clips George’s books George’s got off to us a lot of time since the last but so Jason is asking what happens when GR RM publishes those final books I’d I am unable to actually how long it’s been I am unable to access my creative part of my brainand put together a scenario where that has come out so he recently wrote a gas hose that was like if I don’t have this 20 ready by one con 2020 was put me in the Santos secret Garden you in been above the lake of sulfuric acidand let me out it’s like well was in the cabins been booked for five years showed upand you refuse to cabin as I think he does publish when there was a signal there is us you know we can argue that how many pages he’s had but he’s had material for that is released a number of sample chapters for that book so there’s stuff writtenand he can get there on juice for I think when you do the math on the gaps between each book writer been growingand growing growing I don’t know if we get that one I’m always I love to talk about this so after feast of crows where these so feast dance before you could it was to was a piece of buying it is one books resplendent by geography essentiallyand so does a lot of characters are not in the bookand so he put a little note at the end of feces has made it so you may be saying he is most we hardly saw John Snow that can’t be all thatand he goes to explain what happened in a Danny says Terryand John anything else hundred dollars you with all the rest of the characters you love love to hate will be along next year I devoutly hope print that a call in the dance of dragons which will focus on events along the wall across the seat just as the present book focused on King’s Landing George R Martin June 2005 book came out in 2010 sick so took the just seem to only send my way over is still in the book would like to that there is a possibility that this is going to be viewed as the definitive ending of the story there is a possibility that the case that the show’s ending is that is what most people think the ending of the story is two answers to one is that that is certainly a massive part of why the season was located in the fashion that is because people are realisticand pragmaticand know that might be trueand so if it didn’t live up to your standard there’s a little voice in your head even if you believe you’re getting books one day that says this might be yet you I also think that for so I do believe in Georgeand like to think that with every Sam Darnall touchdown he’s not extra chapters there’s a growing matter what so of course many people I think with that would’ve rather had winds of winter that fire blood but fire blows all fire is really cool we get new informationand lots of points of the raunchy trying to goblet have to the fact that in the dance taking as a world building exercise its stands among the bestand that’s if you look at it through that lens it’s an incredible achievement I think George’s particular writing styleand the way he structured the books can work against him as he goes onand I think that’s part of what makes this so difficult he’s not like he’s not like JK rolling worship you like have some rather neighborly okay here’s each chapter here the themes here’s what each characters doing here’s where they’re going all the way around Jesus like I was glad were discounted you know you using twitter thread about how far you it was accurate who did it but it was essentially like it was can there’s like two different kinds of writersand ones like a gardener a taxiand died it was basically like he’s a gardener easily planning CDC what grows he tending to stuff you let a harvest happened he’s going out thereand by the very nature of how expensive it was to make this thing to have sex in different countries to be a on some kind of schedule any voice were were bound by different rulesand Georgeand they had to do different thingsand they had to make certain choices that he doesn’t have to make maybe it’s it’s a great point because I think you are just as we just as Georges the fourthand fifth books early crumbled under the weight just needed to be found in the story is so expansive that it is naturally pushes up against real world concerns about how to adapt produce display this story it’s just so bigand George famously worked for years on a five year time jump because you somewhat now each characters upand see where they’re going to works he was trying it didn’t work so there’s just in talked with any of the whites working multiple multiple countries with many actors with various directors it’s like if you if something goes wrong how hard is it to correct it have you missed canceling how hard is that to fix I like I I can’t even begin to figure how complex those problems you are a little skeptical is talking a second time you like objectively true it’s also close to objectively trueand you talk the watch this week that it’s it’s almost just two different television shows you unites will sell the device when they went past the books that’s that’s not totally true exes is beyond the booksand is quite successful season 78 felt like when they began to back map against the conclusion they knew they needed toand into your point they knew is reaching reached by undeniably the effect on me very essence of the show in addition to the actual level of luxuriating in a certain plot detailing IT brain is a legislatively variable we travel more than a season between macerator saying he was going to fire him actually doing what fire we to scenes with Danny after she burnt Kingsland before she was example is that in on the finale we all of a sudden discovered the technique of using no facial hair to mark the passage of time is something that would’ve been really great present beards for the first three episodes of the season especially with Circe being pregnant appeared to mention your your dude appeared to subpoenaed love the PRD was great to finally see like slouching the entire meeting I my God credible POD guide it certainly feels like especially with how authoritative the ending was whether or not you know agree with what was built up at the way they presented was very authoritative I think clearly they were like okay here’s the things that need to happen how do we make those things happen at this point that being said people still have questions people still are curious about some aspects of the story so while we go to our small councils asked the ministers section here we have some questions for you viewersand last year With ISA who asks the three Raven have an abnormal lifeand see or easier normal human being I expect could be theoretically rule on iron throne for generations accurately I mean so bring rivers three Raven was like hundredand 28 so I at the same time he was ensconced in a hill connected to the where Wood roots being fed hallucinogenic paced by other children of the forest in one’s life brand obviously is going to be having to deal with the governance of around this can be much more to me like when he’s not being light was a dragon play video is certainly is possible that becoming the three Raven extends your life though I think we shouldn’t discount the fact that in a blood ravens had almost become a figure of pure consciousness towards the end of his life his physical body was not like doing stuff as possible to bounce the semi popular Twitter theory that brand is the blood Raven like age Life to life for that different in my jumped into brands consciousnessand is like organize this entire thing they’ll be really interesting imagine if any of that was hinted at in the show on that out as they went out on all was Brandon ran King’s brand every brandand I think they know the final Psalms of the show in some ways modeled the choice destiny equation I do think that in many ways the story is about the importance of trying to make a choiceand I just think that if brand is everyone or other people ransom was controlling you it’s all about this puppeteering especially puppeteering that Jesus was in the shadowsand we can’t see that it completely negates the value of agency agencies sorry sorry but slightly eroded by the fact that brand can see the futureand clearly didn’t know he was can become kingand clearly did manipulative to a certain way in order to have this outcome Café clearly is like it when you think I came down here because I knew you were going to correlate me the only I know Corey Williams was on the like that was that was tough like to all lawsand seven were signed the was calling I was on the right for hardly calling out John in front of all the hasslesand after I talk about this exactly Do this on office group chat okay Max asks the John Doe school why do we need a nice wash the Nikon King is goneand so what we think are the white walkers there is peace with the wild things why do we need people at Castle black to guard the realms of that government spending now I think is that if we question one that John asks himself yeah I think if you look at the history of West Roe’s the Northand the wild links have allied various times throughout history to fight the warden came to fight the book version of the night came to do various things to fight like these two weird brothers who in the caves under the wall so alliances have happenedand then what is occurred in the three years is that state of antagonism has reappeared as people die often forget what happened you so people will die often forget what happened with different now is the wall is breached there’s a huge hole in it so there can be this free movement of people I would imagine that the night’s watch nowand he got those borders I think it’s important it is really cooland I honestly was been this would’ve been enough is if they had added on to the relevance of that us that a prison sentence or compromise but if they just added in theirand maybe go find out what like where the making KM on what happened with that whether there they like to make sure this never ever comes that was actually a great quest for John it would have a lot of like weird little cool parallels between the Starksand I came to resent angry I also think that some part like there’s a reading of this where John leading the free folk back to their lands is is something that will help the stability of the realm I mean the these are people that you Northerners still feel really sore about filings coming into their landsand you know these are people that were raidingand killing citizens of the North for a while so Charlieand figuring out how to lead them to create like a self sustaining nonreading kind of culture would can only help peaceand stability around you. In a the so that the data be his running mate is no see you know. Glenn how are you doing I’m doing pretty well as well as can be expected you know I I’m sure that there are words of George Floyd I can’t breathe or not new to you and actually your mind every single day six years ago her son died we can’t let this keep happening what you think the next thing we have to do well first of all a genocidal we settled and we have to go to the politicians we have to hope that the because otherwise the big is not going to so is asking that you become the president that you make sure that we national is a Constable of has been a old well I maybe can myself I think people are ready the people are ready we just got a key pushing we can’t let up thank you what you doing Hot Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 8 million decided to but this is a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White significant watermark for VMC or for notaries because now I have a number to shoot forth with all their subsequent movies now we know the movielikeand then the wasp is getting hit 2 billion worldwide what does this do for the future. Less manpower tractors are just one piece of the pride out there also robot take care things like fertilizing irrigation in DJI for his monster on the counter in design to carry a 16 m payload of everyone pesticides and herbicides for letters whatever and autonomously dispense it over your crops now if robots are drifting down worried there are actually plenty of ground based front ending robots to like this one from California startup farm wise thing across the field and uses artificial intelligence and a bunch of different sensors analyze this is an ABC news special report report George Stephanopoulos Democratic race for the White House for the first time Joe Biden Harris at the scene in Delaware today once rivals always friends now running minutes in this race for the White House in 2020 the scene they are in doubt will not be the typical has been for a vice presidential candidate came out of her social media and email yesterday socially in Delaware today Joe Biden spent most of his time during this campaign. A LOT OF THOSE JOBS ARE A LOT LESS A LOT OF THE RESTAURANT JOBS ARE SO YES THERE’S BEEN A HUGE GAP IN WAS THE MOST IS EIGHT WHEN HE WAS ON FOR INSTANCE RIGHT BUT I DIDN’T SO 2008 THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE EVERYBODY DIDN’T LOSE IN THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE BECAUSE THERE WERE A LOT OF OFFICE WORKERS AND HIGH END PEOPLE READING THIS ARTICLE’S LOST JOBS BUT IN THIS CASE IT’S VERY MUCH THE PEOPLE ON LOWERING THE SOCIOECONOMICS SPECTER THE LOSS OF JOBS FIRST SO THAT MAKES US FOR THE GUILFORD TELLS ME BEFORE WE WATCH THE MORE THIS VIDEO WANT TO BRING UP AMAZON IS DOING SOMETHING INGENIOUS LIKE BARRY HAD THIS IDEA BEFORE COBIT BUT I KNOW I SEE THEM MOVING THIS IDEA EVEN FURTHER FORWARD WE HAVE WE ARE WORKING GROCERY STORES IN THE SEATTLE AREA HAD IT SET UP IN LIKE THREE OTHER CITIES WHERE YOU HAVE TO COME IN CONTACT WITH ANOTHER PERSON WHEN YOU WALK IN YOU SCAN YOUR PHONE AND THEN THE REST See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White Line 1 the meta moments in the finale was like ask me again in 10 years you were able to ask ourselves back immigrants in 10 yearsand for the rest of our livesand do something a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White lot about Onanand the moments when she talks to Brandon in the blockand again is the first book about stories one of her great lines as stories wait the Lordand when you come back to them why they are is always be there for usand that’s incredible what little bit about the cultural impact of the show outside of just what it meant to us personallyand I’m sure everybody who’s a huge fan of the show has their own story of what came of ferns meant to them but you know watching the trajectory of the show going from something that was me on obvious if you guys it was something you clearly were anticipatingand excited to watch because show is coming in everything but I just revert remember like game of thrones as part of like a Sunday night of TV that I would watch with like girls or madman or whatever that moment when it kind of flipped over into being this thing all consuming Super Bowl every Sunday kind of thing when you guys think Jason started with you like the cultural impact of is good to be going for not necessarily as like a story about what it means for like pop culture in general I think that well guiding you just to see on different platforms hunting for your scene that already know what with Lord of the rings coming out is looking for that next what that next potential monoculture hit isand in that respect game thrones really came out of nowhereand it was on it was on the bestseller list before it was ever a TV show but even then people really heard of it it it wasn’t a book that you knew about it unless you knew somebody who liked fantasy stuffand then when they would try to pitch it to you if you were someone who liked fantasy stuff you probably wouldn’t want to try it because you think a Lord of the ringsand fairies in Encino horses like that but so I think that their party impact is going to be this mining of different parts of fiction for that next hit because no one don’t think anybody would’ve expected game of thrones to do this so where’s the next one is out there somewhere is in comic books is a literature is it like you know where isand were there things specifically about thrones the unexpected subversion of of you know the thought like the certainties archetypal image that you expect from these kind stories the idea that the hero is in the hero or that you know this this couple your shipping are actually doomed or whatever that lengthand siblings you often find I know these other stories were limited right people are looking around for what’s the next thrones but there’s a bunch of her unique characteristics of thrones I don’t know if it’s really easy to replicate me when Jordan initially created the story his goal in part was to make something I can doand will also have interest in that aspect of actually how well stories are not finished you the thought about in the world of adaptations because obviously this was an in every tracking of the critical divide in season eight almost aside in a historic astonishing successand so maybe for developers it won’t because the show worked in was a thrill for peopleand is now respondent’s entire new generation of an expanding universe in the known world will keep getting stories forever is a mouse say I am interested in now these chronicles a great example actually write my duties my duties stuck to the is not is an big King crew King killer chronicles which numerous people are always like you can’t clear gray college Vandenberg read the first one it’s good but it’s like this one listings were like how emotionally invested can I get in another series that I just don’t know if this okay did that that cannot be made that the limit will marry SCS that’s an interesting point the idea of whether or not you want these things to have an endpoint dispatcher office have a football team that he zips us with no word on how he feels about the giant email John is email this is something that is even specific to the genre the wheel of Time series needlessly spanning 10 books was not finished by the original author Robert Jordan Yahoo expired think around the seventh book was finished by greatest so like this you know the these when you build a world the world tends to expand expands it tends to expand past the limits of what you thought you were going to write is on the watch but you I had a quick chat in your office where I was like oh so I have had to do on thrones to kind of what how much space would they need to get to the endpoint that would’ve felt satisfactory but they would what would the road look likeand she started user like sort of listing off a couple of things that needed to happenand as we were in the conversation I think we realize that like five more seasons I think I prefaced by saying we just needed a foreign like you just described an extra 5 feet yet television but your questions are since we talked about box were talking about how different people access a story like a verbal contract or anything just curious as to where the books are you reading books I do now that I ever have been there we gal behind the green is you know the amount of stuff that like the research that goes into kind of like making the show over the course the last couple of seasons but especially the end I was like why there is a bunch of people in here that I’m really interested to know what actually happened to them rather than just the version that I gotand so maybe at some point when I’m on for I love user as you can you could be a book reader you could be a show watcher as Maisie Williams said after the finale you can just be there for the means that’s that’s fine too but is now alluding to Jason Gallagher ran one of the most interesting offscreen narrative storylines about game of thrones is this relationship between the show in the books now it’s awesome it’s been of divisiveand also very interesting conversation starter among the fandomand then there’s been a lease what we can conclude from like the sources are like the information at hand interesting schism between George RR Martinand the television show not in terms of like not liking or liking it but George they clips George’s books George’s got off to us a lot of time since the last but so Jason is asking what happens when GR RM publishes those final books I’d I am unable to actually how long it’s been I am unable to access my creative part of my brainand put together a scenario where that has come out so he recently wrote a gas hose that was like if I don’t have this 20 ready by one con 2020 was put me in the Santos secret Garden you in been above the lake of sulfuric acidand let me out it’s like well was in the cabins been booked for five years showed upand you refuse to cabin as I think he does publish when there was a signal there is us you know we can argue that how many pages he’s had but he’s had material for that is released a number of sample chapters for that book so there’s stuff writtenand he can get there on juice for I think when you do the math on the gaps between each book writer been growingand growing growing I don’t know if we get that one I’m always I love to talk about this so after feast of crows where these so feast dance before you could it was to was a piece of buying it is one books resplendent by geography essentiallyand so does a lot of characters are not in the bookand so he put a little note at the end of feces has made it so you may be saying he is most we hardly saw John Snow that can’t be all thatand he goes to explain what happened in a Danny says Terryand John anything else hundred dollars you with all the rest of the characters you love love to hate will be along next year I devoutly hope print that a call in the dance of dragons which will focus on events along the wall across the seat just as the present book focused on King’s Landing George R Martin June 2005 book came out in 2010 sick so took the just seem to only send my way over is still in the book would like to that there is a possibility that this is going to be viewed as the definitive ending of the story there is a possibility that the case that the show’s ending is that is what most people think the ending of the story is two answers to one is that that is certainly a massive part of why the season was located in the fashion that is because people are realisticand pragmaticand know that might be trueand so if it didn’t live up to your standard there’s a little voice in your head even if you believe you’re getting books one day that says this might be yet you I also think that for so I do believe in Georgeand like to think that with every Sam Darnall touchdown he’s not extra chapters there’s a growing matter what so of course many people I think with that would’ve rather had winds of winter that fire blood but fire blows all fire is really cool we get new informationand lots of points of the raunchy trying to goblet have to the fact that in the dance taking as a world building exercise its stands among the bestand that’s if you look at it through that lens it’s an incredible achievement I think George’s particular writing styleand the way he structured the books can work against him as he goes onand I think that’s part of what makes this so difficult he’s not like he’s not like JK rolling worship you like have some rather neighborly okay here’s each chapter here the themes here’s what each characters doing here’s where they’re going all the way around Jesus like I was glad were discounted you know you using twitter thread about how far you it was accurate who did it but it was essentially like it was can there’s like two different kinds of writersand ones like a gardener a taxiand died it was basically like he’s a gardener easily planning CDC what grows he tending to stuff you let a harvest happened he’s going out thereand by the very nature of how expensive it was to make this thing to have sex in different countries to be a on some kind of schedule any voice were were bound by different rulesand Georgeand they had to do different thingsand they had to make certain choices that he doesn’t have to make maybe it’s it’s a great point because I think you are just as we just as Georges the fourthand fifth books early crumbled under the weight just needed to be found in the story is so expansive that it is naturally pushes up against real world concerns about how to adapt produce display this story it’s just so bigand George famously worked for years on a five year time jump because you somewhat now each characters upand see where they’re going to works he was trying it didn’t work so there’s just in talked with any of the whites working multiple multiple countries with many actors with various directors it’s like if you if something goes wrong how hard is it to correct it have you missed canceling how hard is that to fix I like I I can’t even begin to figure how complex those problems you are a little skeptical is talking a second time you like objectively true it’s also close to objectively trueand you talk the watch this week that it’s it’s almost just two different television shows you unites will sell the device when they went past the books that’s that’s not totally true exes is beyond the booksand is quite successful season 78 felt like when they began to back map against the conclusion they knew they needed toand into your point they knew is reaching reached by undeniably the effect on me very essence of the show in addition to the actual level of luxuriating in a certain plot detailing IT brain is a legislatively variable we travel more than a season between macerator saying he was going to fire him actually doing what fire we to scenes with Danny after she burnt Kingsland before she was example is that in on the finale we all of a sudden discovered the technique of using no facial hair to mark the passage of time is something that would’ve been really great present beards for the first three episodes of the season especially with Circe being pregnant appeared to mention your your dude appeared to subpoenaed love the PRD was great to finally see like slouching the entire meeting I my God credible POD guide it certainly feels like especially with how authoritative the ending was whether or not you know agree with what was built up at the way they presented was very authoritative I think clearly they were like okay here’s the things that need to happen how do we make those things happen at this point that being said people still have questions people still are curious about some aspects of the story so while we go to our small councils asked the ministers section here we have some questions for you viewersand last year With ISA who asks the three Raven have an abnormal lifeand see or easier normal human being I expect could be theoretically rule on iron throne for generations accurately I mean so bring rivers three Raven was like hundredand 28 so I at the same time he was ensconced in a hill connected to the where Wood roots being fed hallucinogenic paced by other children of the forest in one’s life brand obviously is going to be having to deal with the governance of around this can be much more to me like when he’s not being light was a dragon play video is certainly is possible that becoming the three Raven extends your life though I think we shouldn’t discount the fact that in a blood ravens had almost become a figure of pure consciousness towards the end of his life his physical body was not like doing stuff as possible to bounce the semi popular Twitter theory that brand is the blood Raven like age Life to life for that different in my jumped into brands consciousnessand is like organize this entire thing they’ll be really interesting imagine if any of that was hinted at in the show on that out as they went out on all was Brandon ran King’s brand every brandand I think they know the final Psalms of the show in some ways modeled the choice destiny equation I do think that in many ways the story is about the importance of trying to make a choiceand I just think that if brand is everyone or other people ransom was controlling you it’s all about this puppeteering especially puppeteering that Jesus was in the shadowsand we can’t see that it completely negates the value of agency agencies sorry sorry but slightly eroded by the fact that brand can see the futureand clearly didn’t know he was can become kingand clearly did manipulative to a certain way in order to have this outcome Café clearly is like it when you think I came down here because I knew you were going to correlate me the only I know Corey Williams was on the like that was that was tough like to all lawsand seven were signed the was calling I was on the right for hardly calling out John in front of all the hasslesand after I talk about this exactly Do this on office group chat okay Max asks the John Doe school why do we need a nice wash the Nikon King is goneand so what we think are the white walkers there is peace with the wild things why do we need people at Castle black to guard the realms of that government spending now I think is that if we question one that John asks himself yeah I think if you look at the history of West Roe’s the Northand the wild links have allied various times throughout history to fight the warden came to fight the book version of the night came to do various things to fight like these two weird brothers who in the caves under the wall so alliances have happenedand then what is occurred in the three years is that state of antagonism has reappeared as people die often forget what happened you so people will die often forget what happened with different now is the wall is breached there’s a huge hole in it so there can be this free movement of people I would imagine that the night’s watch nowand he got those borders I think it’s important it is really cooland I honestly was been this would’ve been enough is if they had added on to the relevance of that us that a prison sentence or compromise but if they just added in theirand maybe go find out what like where the making KM on what happened with that whether there they like to make sure this never ever comes that was actually a great quest for John it would have a lot of like weird little cool parallels between the Starksand I came to resent angry I also think that some part like there’s a reading of this where John leading the free folk back to their lands is is something that will help the stability of the realm I mean the these are people that you Northerners still feel really sore about filings coming into their landsand you know these are people that were raidingand killing citizens of the North for a while so Charlieand figuring out how to lead them to create like a self sustaining nonreading kind of culture would can only help peaceand stability around you. In a the so that the data be his running mate is no see you know. Glenn how are you doing I’m doing pretty well as well as can be expected you know I I’m sure that there are words of George Floyd I can’t breathe or not new to you and actually your mind every single day six years ago her son died we can’t let this keep happening what you think the next thing we have to do well first of all a genocidal we settled and we have to go to the politicians we have to hope that the because otherwise the big is not going to so is asking that you become the president that you make sure that we national is a Constable of has been a old well I maybe can myself I think people are ready the people are ready we just got a key pushing we can’t let up thank you what you doing Hot Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White More than Other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 8 million decided to but this is a Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Vintage Retro Tshirts White significant watermark for VMC or for notaries because now I have a number to shoot forth with all their subsequent movies now we know the movielikeand then the wasp is getting hit 2 billion worldwide what does this do for the future. Less manpower tractors are just one piece of the pride out there also robot take care things like fertilizing irrigation in DJI for his monster on the counter in design to carry a 16 m payload of everyone pesticides and herbicides for letters whatever and autonomously dispense it over your crops now if robots are drifting down worried there are actually plenty of ground based front ending robots to like this one from California startup farm wise thing across the field and uses artificial intelligence and a bunch of different sensors analyze this is an ABC news special report report George Stephanopoulos Democratic race for the White House for the first time Joe Biden Harris at the scene in Delaware today once rivals always friends now running minutes in this race for the White House in 2020 the scene they are in doubt will not be the typical has been for a vice presidential candidate came out of her social media and email yesterday socially in Delaware today Joe Biden spent most of his time during this campaign. 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